2014. január 3., péntek

"Tanulj meg gondolkozni és beszélni angolul!" 4. hét, 5. nap

A mai nap témája az egészség és az orvosi ellátás.

1. Hallgassátok meg a párbeszédeket és a párbeszéd három összefoglalását anélkül, hogy olvasnátok a szöveget. Hallgassátok meg 2-3-szor. Ezután hallgassátok meg ismét a párbeszédet és az összefoglalásait, miközben nézitek a szöveget és ellenőrizzétek, megértettetek-e minden részletet, vagy nem.


Linda: What is the matter?

Jane: I don’t feel well.

Linda: What’s wrong?

Jane: I have a headache and my throat hurts.

Linda: That doesn’t sound so good. Maybe you have a cold. Do you have a fever?

Jane: I don’t think so. I don’t know. But I don’t have time to be ill.

Linda: It doesn’t matter if you have time or not. You should go home and rest.

Jane: I can’t. I have to go to rehearsal. I am in a play and it is very important for me to be there.

Linda: But if you go to rehearsal when you are sick you will make yourself worse. You need to go home and lie down. Drink lots of juice and tea and eat lots of garlic.

Jane: Garlic? That helps?

Linda: Yes. But nothing will help unless you rest.

Jane: But if I don’t rehearse then the play will be terrible.

Linda: If you rehearse today, you might become more sick. And if you get worse maybe there will be no play for you! Also, if you go today then you might give the cold to the other actors. Then there really won’t be any play.

Training 1

Jane: “I don’t feel well today. I have a headache and my throat hurts. And of course, it is exactly when I don’t have time to be ill. I simply can’t go home and have a rest, as Linda advises. I know she is right. But I really can’t! I have to go to rehearsal. I am in a play and if I don’t rehearse, then the play will be terrible. But Linda says that if I rehearse, I might become more sick or even give the cold to other actors. And then our director will never give me another part. So perhaps I’ll go home after all.”

1. How are you today?

2.Why can’t you go home and rest?

3.What will happen if you don’t rehearse?

4.What does Linda say?

5. What will you do?

Training 2

Linda: “I think sick people should stay at home and rest. That’s what I tell Jane, too. The thing is she wants to go to rehearsal. But she’ll only make herself worse. What she really needs is to go home, lie down, drink lots of juice and tea and eat lots of garlic. I always do all these things and I recover very fast. But Jane doesn’t understand that if she rehearses, she might get worse and give the cold to the other actors. then there won’t be any play at all.”

1. What should sick people do?

2. Why can’t Jane go to rehearsal?

3. What does she need?

4. What do you do when you are sick?

5. What will happen if Jane rehearses?

Training 3

Jane doesn’t feel well. She has a headache and her throat hurts. Linda tells her that she should go home and rest. But Jane says that she has no time to be ill. She has to go to rehearsal. She is in a play and it’s very important for her to be there. Linda doesn’t think that it’s a good idea. She tells her that if she goes to rehearsal when she is sick, she will make herself worse. She advises her to go home, lies down, drink lots of juice and tea and eat lots of garlic. Jane is worried that if she doesn’t rehearse, the play will be terrible. Linda explains to her that if she rehearses today, she might become more sick. And if she gets worse, maybe there will be no play for her. Besides, if she goes today, she might give the cold to the other actors. In this case there really won’t be any play.

- Olvassátok el a párbeszédet és az összefoglalásait, és közben vegyétek fel a hangotokat. Majd hallgassátok meg az eredeti szöveget és a saját hangfelvételeteket mondatról-mondatra.

- 1. Tréning. Válaszoljatok a kérdésekre. Olvassátok el először az első kérdést és válaszoljatok rá, majd olvassátok el a másodikat, és így tovább...

- Most nézzétek meg a kérdéseket és válaszoljatok rájuk egyenként. Ismételjétek ezt meg 2-3-szor. Lehetőleg megállás nélkül válaszoljatok a kérdésekre.

- Mondjátok el az 1. Tréninget anélkül, hogy néznétek a szöveget. Vegyétek fel a hangotokat és hasonlítsátok össze a könyvben lévő szöveggel.

- 2. Tréning. Ugyanazt a teendő, mint az előző tréningnél.

- 3. Tréning. Olvassátok el az összefoglalókat 2-3-szor. Most nem kell memorizálnotok semmit.

2. Hallgassátok meg a 9. témát (Colds and Flu) 2-3-szor.

- Hallgassátok meg és olvassátok el a szöveget. Állítsátok le a felvételt minden egyes mondat után, és próbáljátok utánozni az anyanyelvi beszélőt.

Colds and flu are dangerous. They are a real problem during winter. A lot of people get flu or a cold then. You can catch flu on a bus or even in the hospital. If you catch a cold, you cough, sneeze and even have a fever. You can’t work with flu. You can’t even visit your friends. You can spend a week in bed or more when you have the flu. You drink hot tea. You take medicine. There are a lot of medicines for colds and flu. But they don’t work. At least, they don’t help me. Fortunately, I don’t catch colds very often. And I don’t have a cold now.
- Válaszoljatok a kérdésekre.
1. Are colds and flu dangerous?
2. When are they a real problem?
3. Where can you catch a cold or flu?
4. What are the symptoms of a cold or flu?
5. Can you work or visit friends when you have the flu?
6. What do you do if you have flu?
7. Are there any medicines for colds and flu?
8. Do they help you?
9. Do you catch colds and flu very often?
10. Do you have flu now?

- Próbáljátok meg memorizálni a szöveget.

- Mondjátok el a szöveget. Vegyétek fel a hangotokat majd hasonlítsátok össze az eredeti szöveggel.

3. Hallgassátok meg a 9. témát (Colds and Flu) egyszerű múlt időben.

Olvassátok el sokszor és válaszoljatok a kérdésekre.

9. Colds andFlu
Colds and flu were very dangerous one hundred years ago. They were a real problem in winter. There wasn’t a lot of medicine for colds and flu then. There weren’t many doctors, either. So a lot of people died of the flu.

1. When were colds and flu really dangerous?
2. Was there much medicine for them then?
3. What about doctors?
4. How many people died of the flu?

4. Gyakoroljátok a Black Jack Comes Back program 7. fejezetének 4. részét (4. kép).

EN - HU Black Jack Chapter Seven Part Four

A Black Jack Comes Back program letölthető a www.sapcrystals.com weblapon.
Az alábbi platformok közül választhattok:
Windows (PC), MAC (Macintosh), iOS (iPhones, iPads), Android (okostelefonok, tabletek) kövessétek letöltéskor az utasításokat.

5. Csináljátok meg a tesztet a Társalgási Tesztek Kezdőknek című könyvből.

       Egészítsétek ki a mondatokat a következőkkel: who, what, when, where, why, how

Complete the sentences with
who, what, when, where, why, how

1. _____ is she? She is my best friend.

2. _____ are you going?

3. _____ are you? I’m fine.

4. It’s four o’clock. _____ does your train leave?

5. You seem sad. _____?

6. That sandwich looks delicious. _____ did you get it?

7. That soup looks terrible. _____ is in it?

8. I don’t know _____ is in this medicine.

9. _____ gave it to you?

10. _____ much does it cost?

11. _____ is the best time to go?

12. _____ are you crying?

13. We can go any time. I don’t care _____.

14. But _____ is the doctor’s office?

15. Someone can show you but I don’t know _____.

16. _____ time is your appointment?

17. _____ are you leaving?

18. _____ do you have to go to the dentist?

19. _____ can I get there?

20. I don’t know _____ the doctor is not here.

Nézzétek meg a megoldást a teszt alatt!

Megoldókulcs az 1. teszthez, Health and Medical Care
1. who 2. where 3. how 4. when 5. why 6. where 7. what 8. what 9. who 10. how 11. when 12. why 13. when 14. where 15. who 16. what 17. when 18. when/why 19. how/when 20. why

2014. január 2., csütörtök

"Tanulj meg gondolkozni és beszélni angolul!" 4. hét, 4. nap

A mai nap témája a háztartási munkák (Household Chores).

1. Hallgassátok meg a párbeszédeket és a párbeszéd három összefoglalását anélkül, hogy olvasnátok a szöveget. Hallgassátok meg 2-3-szor. Ezután hallgassátok meg ismét a párbeszédet és az összefoglalásait, miközben nézitek a szöveget és ellenőrizzétek, megértettetek-e minden részletet, vagy nem.


On the telephone:

Nick: Mother, can you come to my house?

Mrs. Smith: Why?

Nick: The house is very dirty. Can you help me?

Mrs. Smith: I can’t come now. I’m so tired.

Nick: Mother, please!

Mrs. Smith: Son, how old are you?

Nick: I’m fifty-one years old.

Mrs. Smith: Yes, son. You are fifty-one. You are old enough to do the housework.

Nick: But Mother! I don’t know how!

Mrs. Smith: Ask your wife.

Nick: She’s in bed. She is ill.

Mrs. Smith: Ask the children.

Nick: They’re on holiday at the beach with Uncle Butch.

Mrs. Smith: And the cleaning lady?

Nick: She won the lottery, so now she doesn’t clean houses.

Mrs. Smith: Can’t you find a new cleaning lady?

Nick: No, Mother. I can’t.

Mrs. Smith: Okay, son. I’m coming. You are a baby, but you are my baby.

Training 1

Nick: “I rarely do housework. I don’t like it. In fact, I hate it. Yet, I have to do the housework today. My wife can’t help me because she is ill in bed. My children can’t help me because they are at the beach with Uncle Butch. Our cleaning lady won the lottery and now she doesn’t clean houses. Only my mother can help me. I know she doesn’t like it but she can’t say ‘no’ to me. I am fifty-one but I am still her baby.”

1. What do you have to do today?

2. Do you like it?

3. Have you got a cleaning lady?

4. What about your wife or your children?

5. Is there anyone who can help you?

6. Why can’t she say ‘no’ to you?

7. How old are you?

Training 2

Mrs Smith: “My son Nick sometimes calls me and asks me to help him around the house. I don’t like it but I can’t say ‘no’. His wife is ill now and has to stay in bed. His children don’t want to help. Nick doesn’t have a cleaning lady and he can’t do the housework himself. He is fifty-one and he is like a baby, but he is my baby. So I can’t refuse him.”

1. Why does your son sometimes call you?

2. Do you like it?

3. Why can’t his wife help him?

4. What about the children?

5. Where is his cleaning lady?

6. How old is he?

7. Why can’t you refuse?

Training 3

Nick phones his mother and asks her to come to his house. His house is very dirty and he wants his mother to help him clean it. Nick’s mother refuses to come because she is very tired. She tells her son that he is fifty-one years old and he can do the housework himself. But Nick doesn’t know how to do it. His wife can’t do it either, because she is ill and has to stay in bed. His children are at the beach with Uncle Butch. His cleaning lady won the lottery and now she doesn’t clean houses and Nick can’t find a new cleaning lady. In the end Nick’s mother agrees to come. She tells him that he is a baby, but he is her baby.

- Olvassátok el a párbeszédet és az összefoglalásait, és közben vegyétek fel a hangotokat. Majd hallgassátok meg az eredeti szöveget és a saját hangfelvételeteket mondatról-mondatra.

- 1. Tréning. Válaszoljatok a kérdésekre. Olvassátok el először az első kérdést és válaszoljatok rá, majd olvassátok el a másodikat, és így tovább...

- Most nézzétek meg a kérdéseket és válaszoljatok rájuk egyenként. Ismételjétek ezt meg 2-3-szor. Lehetőleg megállás nélkül válaszoljatok a kérdésekre.

- Mondjátok el az 1. Tréninget anélkül, hogy néznétek a szöveget. Vegyétek fel a hangotokat és hasonlítsátok össze a könyvben lévő szöveggel.

- 2. Tréning. Ugyanazt a teendő, mint az előző tréningnél.

- 3. Tréning. Olvassátok el az összefoglalókat 2-3-szor. Most nem kell memorizálnotok semmit.

2. Hallgassátok meg a 23. témát (Household Chores) 2-3-szor.

- Hallgassátok meg és olvassátok el a szöveget. Állítsátok le a felvételt minden egyes mondat után, és próbáljátok utánozni az anyanyelvi beszélőt.

Nobody likes household chores, but everybody has to do them. Household chores are boring. But they are very important. I just hate them. I have a lot of household chores. And my boyfriend hasn’t got any. There are always a lot of dirty dishes after dinner. And we haven’t got a dishwasher. So I usually do the washing-up after dinner. Sometimes there is dust on the furniture. So I dust the furniture every week. Fortunately, I have a washing machine. So I never do the washing by hand. I don’t vacuum, either. So, after all, my boyfriend has one household chore. 

Válaszoljatok a kérdésekre.

1. Does anybody like household chores?

2. Are household chores amazing?

3. Do you like them?

4. How many household chores have you got?

5. Has your boyfriend got any?

6. Have you got a dishwasher?

7. Who does the washing-up then?

8. What are your other chores?

9. Do you do the washing, too?

10. Who vacuums in your flat?

- Próbáljátok memorizálni a szöveget.

- Mondjátok el a szöveget. Vegyétek fel a hangotokat majd hasonlítsátok össze az eredeti szöveggel.

2. Hallgassátok meg a 23. témát (Household Chores) egyszerű múlt időben.

Olvassátok el sokszor és válaszoljatok a kérdésekre.

When I didn’t have any household appliances, household chores were boring. We didn’t have a dishwasher or a vacuum-cleaner. So I usually did the washing-up after dinner. There was a lot of dust on the furniture. And I did the washing, too.

1. When were household chores boring?

2. Did you have a dishwasher and a vacuum-cleaner then?

3. Who did the washing-up and the washing?

4. Was there dust on the furniture, too?

3. Gyakoroljátok a Black Jack Comes Back program 7. fejezetének 1. részét (1. kép).

EN - HU Black Jack Chapter Seven Part One

A Black Jack Comes Back program letölthető a www.sapcrystals.com weblapon.
Az alábbi platformok közül választhattok:
Windows (PC), MAC (Macintosh), iOS (iPhones, iPads), Android (okostelefonok, tabletek) kövessétek letöltéskor az utasításokat.

4. Csináljátok meg a tesztet a Társalgási Tesztek Kezdőknek című könyvből.

Válasszátok ki a helyes megoldást.


Which is correct?

1. _____ any food in the fridge?

a) There is

b) Is there

c) Is it

2. _____ your dirty clothes?

a) Are they

b) Are

c) Is it

3. I don’t want to do the washing _____.

a) down

b) out

c) up

4. Edgar _____ does the laundry.

a) never

b) a lot

c) ever

5. _____ socks are these?

a) Whose

b) Who

c) Who’s

6. Come and get it! The food is _____ the table.

a) on top

b) on to

c) on

7. That’s Bubba _____ dirty laundry.

a) ’s

b) s

c) is

8. I don’t have _____ time to clean my flat.

a) the

b) a

c) one

9. _____ you give me the soap?

a) Do

b) Are

c) Can

10. _____ family has got a vacuum cleaner.

a) There is

b) Some

c) My

11. _____ help with the housework?

a) Does he

b) Is he

c) Are they

12. Where is the _____?

a) milk

b) my milk

c) that milk

13. Reggie wants to do _____ housework.

a) a

b) many

c) some

14. We wash the car _____ Saturday.

a) always

b) at

c) every

15. We wash our clothes in a _____.

a) wash machine

b) washer machine

c) washing machine

16. They wash _____ at the weekend.

a) them

b) all

c) flat

17. In the morning he _____ bread.

a) buys a

b) buy

c) buys

18. Frank _____ the shopping.

a) doesn’t do

b) isn’t

c) doing

19. I like to wash my car _____ night.

a) in

b) on

c) at

20. I _____.

a) very like to clean

b) like to very clean

c) like to clean very much

Nézzétek meg a megoldást a teszt alatt!

Megoldókulcs az 1. teszthez, Household Chores
1. b 2. a 3. c 4. a 5. a 6. c 7. a 8. a 9. c 10. c 11. a 12. a 13. c 14. c 15. c 16. a 17. c 18. a 19. c 20. c

2014. január 1., szerda

4. hét, 3. nap

A mai nap témája az évszakok és az időjárás.

1. Hallgassátok meg a párbeszédeket és a párbeszéd három összefoglalását anélkül, hogy olvasnátok a szöveget. Hallgassátok meg 2-3-szor. Ezután hallgassátok meg ismét a párbeszédet és az összefoglalásait, miközben nézitek a szöveget és ellenőrizzétek, megértettetek-e minden részletet, vagy nem.


Fred: Where was the coldest place you have travelled to?
Paul: I travelled to Finland.
Fred: What month were you there?
Paul: I was in Finland in January.
Fred: Wow, was it really cold?
Paul: Yes. It was about minus 20 degrees.
Fred: That’s really cold. What did you wear?
Paul: I wore about six layers of clothing.
Fred: What did you do there?
Paul: I went skiing and ice skating.
Fred: Where did you ice-skate?
Paul: We went down to the river. The rivers were all frozen.
Fred: I would love to ice-skate on a frozen river.
Paul: It was lots of fun. It was snowing too.
Fred: What else did you do there?
Paul: I went to saunas.
Fred: Perfect weather for saunas.
Paul: Yes. We drank Finnish vodka and sweated.
Fred: Will you go to Finland again?
Paul: Yes, but next time I will go in summertime.

Training 1
Paul: “The coldest place I have travelled to was Finland. I was there in January and it was about minus 20 degrees. I had to wear six layers of clothing! But it was lots of fun. We went skiing and ice skating. The rivers were all frozen so we went ice skating on a frozen river. And I liked the saunas very much. We drank Finnish vodka and sweated there. I’d like to go to Finland again. But next time I will go in summertime.”

1. What was the coldest place you have travelled to?
2. When were you there?
3. What was the weather like?
4. How many layers of clothing did you have to wear?
5. What did you do in Finland?
6. Why did you like Finnish saunas?
7. Would you like to go to Finland again?
8. When will you go next time?

Training 2
Fred: “I can’t stand British weather. It is December but it just rains every day. I don’t think it will snow at Christmas, either. And I like snow and all kinds of winter sports, skiing and ice skating. I’d like to go to Finland, like Paul. It was very cold there. But it was worth it. At least he went ice skating on a frozen river! Actually, it is never really cold in Britain, which isn’t bad at all. But this rain drives me mad!”

1. What do you think of British weather?
2. Which month is it now?
3. What is the weather like?
4. Will it snow at Christmas this year?
5. Why are you so sorry about that?
6. Why do you think that Paul was lucky to go to Finland?
7. Is it bad that it isn’t usually cold in Britain?
8. What about the rain?

Training 3
Fred asks Paul about the coldest place he has travelled to. Paul answers that it was Finland. He was in Finland in January and it was minus 20 degrees. He had to wear about six layers of clothing. He went skiing and ice skating on frozen rivers. It was lots of fun. He also went to saunas. It was perfect weather for saunas. They drank Finnish vodka and sweated. He would like to go to Finland again but only in summer.

- Olvassátok el a párbeszédet és az összefoglalásait, és közben vegyétek fel a hangotokat. Majd hallgassátok meg az eredeti szöveget és a saját hangfelvételeteket mondatról-mondatra.

- 1. Tréning. Válaszoljatok a kérdésekre. Olvassátok el először az első kérdést és válaszoljatok rá, majd olvassátok el a másodikat, és így tovább...

- Most nézzétek meg a kérdéseket és válaszoljatok rájuk egyenként. Ismételjétek ezt meg 2-3-szor. Lehetőleg megállás nélkül válaszoljatok a kérdésekre.

- Mondjátok el az 1. Tréninget anélkül, hogy néznétek a szöveget. Vegyétek fel a hangotokat és hasonlítsátok össze a könyvben lévő szöveggel.

- 2. Tréning. Ugyanazt a teendő, mint az előző tréningnél.

- 3. Tréning. Olvassátok el az összefoglalókat 2-3-szor. Most nem kell memorizálnotok semmit.

2. Gyakoroljátok a Black Jack Comes Back program 6 fejezetét és az összefoglalást (1-5. képek).

EN - HU Black Jack Chapter Six Part One

EN - HU Black Jack Chapter Six Part Two

EN - HU Black Jack Chapter Six Part Three

EN - HU Black Jack Chapter Six Part Four

EN - HU Black Jack Chapter Six Part Five

Black Jack Comes Back program letölthető a www.sapcrystals.com weblapon.
Az alábbi platformok közül választhattok:

Windows (PC), MAC (Macintosh), iOS (iPhones, iPads), Android (okostelefonok, tabletek) kövessétek letöltéskor az utasításokat.

3. Csináljátok meg a tesztet a Társalgási Tesztek Kezdőknek című könyvből.

Válasszátok ki a helyes megoldást.

Which is correct?
1. _____ hot in summer.
a) It has
b) It is
c) There is
2. I hope spring _____ soon.
a) coming
b) is coming
c) to come
3. He always enjoys summer _____.
a) storm
b) stormy
c) storms
4. _____ people visit Iceland in winter.
a) Few
b) A few
c) Little
5. _____ birds fly south in winter.
a) A lot
b) Many
c) Much
6. You should _____ about your summer holiday.
a) writing
b) to write
c) write
7. I _____ to go home this winter.
a) has
b) have
c) had
8. She likes _____ snow.
a) see
b) to see
c) saw
9. What’s that? _____ is my new winter scarf.
a) They
b) It
c) There
10. _____ are good beaches in Australia.
a) Their
b) They’re
c) There
11. _____ bushes flower in spring.
a) These
b) This
c) That
12. Did you get _____ snow this year?
a) a
b) an
c) any
13. There are _____ days left of winter.
a) a few
b) a little
c) number
14. It _____ raining today.
a) is
b) am
c) are
15. _____ season is very pleasant.
a) This
b) Those
c) There
16. We _____ mild summers in Sweden.
a) have
b) has
c) had
17. He _____ ice-skate.
a) knows
b) knows to
c) can
18. She collects _____ spring flowers.
a) many
b) a lot
c) much
19. She hates to _____ winter colours.
a) wears
b) wearing
c) wear
20. There aren’t _____ flowers this year.
a) a lot
b) many
c) much

Nézzétek meg a teszt megoldókulcsát a teszt alatt.

Megoldókulcs a 2. teszthez (Seasons and Weather)

1. b 2. b 3. c 4. a 5. b 6. c 7. b 8. b 9. b 10. c 11. a 12. c 13. a 14. a 15. a 16. a 17. c 18. a 19. c 20. b