1. Vegyétek át a 2-es és az 5-ös tréninget.
Training 2
It is 8 o’clock. Mike is at home. He is drinking tea. It is 9 o’clock. Mike isn’t at home. He is going to work. It is 10 o’clock. Mike is at work. He is working. It is 11 o’clock. Mike is at work but he isn’t working. He is drinking coffee. It is 6 o’clock. Mike isn’t at work. He isn’t at home. He is in a pub. He is drinking beer. It is 8 o’clock. Mike is at home. He is watching TV and drinking tea.
Training 5
Alex is a doctor. He is 30. Alex is from Russia. He is from Moscow. Alex is on holiday in London. He is staying in London for 6 days. He is coming back to Moscow on Friday. Lisa is a reporter. She is 40. Lisa is from England. She is from London. Lisa is on holiday in Budapest. She is staying in Budapest for 7 days. She is coming back to London on Saturday. Geza is a taxi driver. He is 50. Geza is from Hungary. He is from Budapest. Geza is on holiday in Moscow. He is staying in Moscow for 8 days. He is coming back to Budapest on Sunday.”
2. Gyakoroljátok a 3-as tréninget egyszerű jelenben, egyes szám első személyben a „be” létige (am/am not) és a 4-es tréninget egyszerű jelen időben, többes számban a „be” létige (are/aren't) használatával.
Ismételjétek az összes tréninget lassú és gyors módban is 10-szer, 20-szor.
Training 3
Mike: “It is 8 o’clock. I am at home. I am drinking tea. It is 9 o’clock. I am not at home. I am at work. I am working. It is 10 o’clock. I am at work but I am not working. I am drinking coffee. It is 6 o’clock. I am not at work. I am not at home. I am in a pub. I am drinking beer. It is 8 o’clock. I am at home. I am watching TV and drinking tea.”
Training 4
Barbara and Alice: “We are twins. We are always together. It is 7 o’clock in the morning. We are at home. We are having breakfast. It is 8 o’clock. We aren’t at home. We are going to school. It is 9 o’clock. We are at school. We are learning. It is 12 o’clock. We are at school. We aren’t learning. We are having lunch. It is 3 o’clock. We are at home. We aren’t doing our homework. We are playing.”
3. Miután begyakoroltátok a “be” létige minden formáját (is/isn't, am/am not, are/aren't), akkor elkezdhettek az 50 téma mondataival foglalkozni.
Hallgassátok meg az 50 témakör mondatait – összesen 250 mondat -, és próbáljátok megérteni őket. Ez a szövegértési gyakorlat készít fel a “be” létige összes formájának használatára az 50 témában való beszédhez.
Holnap lesznek olvashatók az 50 témakör példamondatai a blogon, így ellenőrizni tudjátok majd, hogy mit értettetek meg, és mit nem.
1. Accommodation (flat, house)
2. Banks
3. Birthdays and name days
4. Books
5. Breakfast
6. Brothers and sisters
7. Cars
8. Cinemas
9. Colds and flu
10. Colleagues/Classmates
11. Dinner
12. Family
13. Famous people
14. Favourite foods
15. Friends
16. Furniture
17. Gardening
18. Grandparents
19. Harmful habits
20. Hobbies
21. Holiday
22. Hotels
23. Household chores
24. Life in the city
25. Life in the country
26. Lottery
27. Lunch
28. Millionaire
29. Money
30. My city
31. My country
32. My school day/my working day
33. My ideal house
34. Myself
35. On a coach
36. On a plane
37. On a train
38. Parties
39. Personality
40. Pets
41. Public holidays
42. Public transport
43. Restaurants
44. Seas and oceans
45. School
46. Taxi
47. Teachers
48. Television
49. Theatres
50. Weekends
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