1. hét, 6. nap
1. Vegyétek át a 6-os és a 10-es tréningeket. Mondjátok el őket egymás után megállás nélkül 5-ször (ehhez nincs szükség többre, mint 10 percre).
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Angol egyperces tréning No. 6.
Training 10
Alex is on holiday in London but he can’t see his friend Lisa because she is on holiday in Budapest. Lisa is coming back to London on Saturday and Alex is leaving London on Friday. Alex can see his friend Geza. Alex can’t see Geza now because Alex is in London and Geza is in Moscow. Alex can see Geza on Friday, Saturday or Sunday because Alex is coming back to Moscow on Friday and Geza is leaving Moscow on Sunday.
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2. Olvassátok el az 50 téma mondatait (összesen 250) a a can/can't nyelvtani szerkezet használatával. Válasszátok ki az egyik legegyszerűbb mondatot minden témakörből – összesen 50-et. Olvassátok el a kiválasztott mondatokat egymás után 2-3 alkalommal.
1. Accommodation (flat, house)
1. You can live in a flat or in a house.
2. You can sleep, eat, cook and read in your flat/ house.
3. You can cook and eat in the kitchen.
4. You can sleep in the bedroom.
5. You can read, watch TV and listen to music in the living room.
2. Banks
1. You can keep your money in a bank.
2. You can take out a loan in a bank.
3. You can pay without money.
4. You can pay by credit card.
5. Your bank can pay your bills from your account.
3. Birthdays and name days
1. You can get a lot of presents for your birthday.
2. You can get some presents for a name day, too.
3. You can invite all your friends to your birthday party.
4. Women and girls can get a lot of flowers for their birthday.
5. Men can get a hangover after their birthday.
4. Books
1. I can read all kinds of books: novels, short stories, science fiction and thrillers.
2. I can read very fast and I can read fifty pages at a go.
3. You can get a lot of information from books.
4. You can imagine the characters and situations.
5. You can buy books or you can borrow them from a library.
5. Breakfast
1. You can drink a glass of juice, a cup of coffee or tea for breakfast.
2. You can have some yoghurt or corn flakes for breakfast.
3. I can cook my breakfast myself.
4. At weekends people can have a big and heavy breakfast.
5. At weekends people can have breakfast later than usual.
6. Brothers and sisters
1. My sister can speak English very well.
2. My brother can ride a motorbike.
3. My brother and I can sing very well.
4. You can like or dislike your brother or sister but they are your family.
5. Brothers and sisters can always help you.
7. Cars
1. I can drive but not very well.
2. Driving in the city can be dangerous.
3. You can only do fifty kilometres an hour in the city.
4. You can do one hundred and thirty kilometres an hour on the highway.
5. You can travel anywhere by car.
8. Cinemas
1. You can have a nice time at the cinema.
2. You can watch films and cartoons at the cinema.
3. You can eat popcorn and drink Cola at the cinema, too.
4. The cinema can be a good place for a date.
5. You can book tickets or you can buy them just before the film.
9. Colds and flu
1. You can easily catch a cold in winter.
2. You can catch flu on a bus or even in the hospital.
3. You can’t work with flu.
4. You can’t even visit your friends.
5. If you have flu, you can stay in bed for a week.
10. Colleagues/Classmates
1. We can work well together.
2. We can get on well.
3. We can go to the cinema together.
4. We can sometimes have a party.
5. We can quarrel sometimes, too.
11. Dinner
1. You can have soup and meat with some salad or rice for dinner.
2. You can have fish and chips, too.
3. You can have a cake or some ice-cream for dessert.
4. You can have dinner in a restaurant, too.
5. I can’t cook a really delicious dinner myself.
12. Family
1. I can’t visit my parents every week.
2. I can always talk to them about my troubles on the phone.
3. We can go on holiday together.
4. The whole family can meet at somebody’s wedding or funeral.
5. Your family can always help you.
13. Famous people
1. You can read a lot about famous people.
2. You can see them on TV.
3. Famous people can help poor people and children.
4. Famous people can’t live in peace.
5. Information about famous people can cost a lot.
14. Favourite foods
1. I can eat my favourite foods at a restaurant.
2. I can eat fish every day.
3. My mum can cook all my favourite dishes.
4. Some people can’t live without their favourite foods.
5. I can’t resist seafood.
15. Friends
1. My friend can dance very well.
2. We can talk, dance, eat out and listen to music together.
3. Friends can always help you.
4. Friends can know a lot about you.
5. You can’t just forget about your friends.
16. Furniture
1. You can buy some very good furniture in Ikea.
2. Some people can make wonderful furniture.
3. I can repair my furniture myself.
4. Wooden furniture can cost a lot.
5. Young couples can buy second-hand furniture at first.
17. Gardening
1. I can work in my garden at weekends.
2. You can grow fruit and vegetables in your garden.
3. You can grow flowers in your garden.
4. You can grow flowers on the balcony, too.
5. Some people can grow large and delicious fruits and vegetables.
18. Grandparents
1. My grandfather can sing very well.
2. My grandmother can cook wonderful meals.
3. I can always visit them.
4. They can give me good advice.
5. I can get some nice hand-made presents from them.
19. Harmful habits
1. I can eat a whole chocolate bar.
2. I can read the whole night through.
3. Some people can smoke twenty cigarettes a day.
4. Drugs can kill you in the short run.
5. Drinking too much coffee can be harmful, too.
20. Hobbies.
1. I can play the piano.
2. My sister can paint very well.
3. You can collect stamps, vases or toys.
4. Rich people can collect old pictures, books or cars.
5. Some people can even collect castles!
21. Holiday
1. You can have a really nice holiday at Balaton.
2. You can get up late on holiday.
3. You can go to the sea, to the countryside, to the hills and mountains on holiday.
4. You can go skiing or hiking.
5. You can go to another town or country and learn a lot about the culture.
22. Hotels
1. You can stay in The Park Hotel in London.
2. You can have a nice time in the hotel.
3. You can sleep in your room and eat in a restaurant in the hotel.
4. You can just do nothing in the hotel.
5. Rich people can just live in hotels.
23. Household chores
1. My girlfriend can cook very well.
2. I can read while my washing machine is washing.
3. I can watch TV while my dishwasher is washing-up.
4. I can talk on the phone while my husband is vacuum cleaning.
5. I can do everything about the house myself.
24. Life in the city
1. You can find a good job in the city.
2. You can use public transport in the city.
3. You can go to the theatre or cinema in the city.
4. You can go to a restaurant in the city.
5. You can always meet your friends in the city.
25. Life in the country
1. You can buy a house with a garden in the country.
2. You can grow fruit and vegetables in the country.
3. You can live quietly in the country.
4. You can have a lot of pets.
5. You can have animals like chickens, geese, cows and pigs
in the country.
26. Lottery
1. You can buy a lottery ticket any time.
2. You can buy a lottery ticket every week.
3. You can win a lot of money in a lottery.
4. You can win a holiday or a car.
5. You can win just a small prize in a lottery.
27. Lunch
1. You can have a salad, meat or fish for lunch.
2. You can have just sandwiches for lunch.
3. Schoolchildren can have lunch in the school canteen.
4. You can buy a take-away lunch.
5. Sometimes, I can’t have lunch at all.
28. Millionaire
1. A millionaire can travel a lot.
2. A millionaire can buy expensive clothes and cars.
3. A millionaire can stop working.
4. A millionaire can help charity organizations.
5. A millionaire can have a lot of problems.
29. Money
1. You can pay without cash, too.
2. You can pay by credit card.
3. You can pay by cheque.
4. You can borrow money from a bank.
5. Money can’t make you happy.
30. My city
1. I can walk along the Danube in Budapest.
2. You can study and work in Budapest.
3. You can have a nice time in Budapest.
4. You can meet a lot of tourists in Budapest.
5. You can go to the theatre or to a museum in Budapest.
31. My country
1. You can drink good wine in Hungary.
2. You can go to Balaton for a holiday in Hungary.
3. You can go to the Matra Mountains for a holiday in Hungary.
4. You can visit a lot of sights in Hungary.
5. You can meet a lot of interesting people in Hungary.
32. My school day/my working day
1. I can have an hour’s break for lunch.
2. I can have short coffee breaks, too.
3. Students can read, write, listen to their teachers, answer their questions, and do tests during the lessons.
4. During the breaks pupils can have snacks or go out to the school yard.
5. I can’t get up late on workdays.
33. My ideal house
1. Friends can always visit me.
2. We can have parties in our garden.
3. We can have meals on the terrace.
4. I can have a study and a small gym in my ideal house.
5. I can swim in my swimming pool, too.
34. Myself
1. I can dance very well.
2. I can play the piano.
3. I can speak three foreign languages.
4. I can’t drive very well.
5. I can’t cook at all.
35. On a coach
1. You can read on a coach.
2. You can listen to music on a coach.
3. You can travel by coach anywhere in Hungary.
4. You can travel abroad by coach.
5. You can’t travel very fast by coach.
36. On a plane
1. You can travel very far by plane.
2. You can read, sleep, eat and even drink wine on a plane.
3. You can watch films on some planes.
4. You can’t take your suitcase with you to a plane.
5. You can only take a small bag with you.
37. On a train
1. You can read a book or a magazine on a train.
2. You can talk to your fellow passengers.
3. You can enjoy the scenery.
4. You can drink coffee and eat some sandwiches in the buffet-car.
5. You can meet some interesting people on a train.
38. Parties
1. You can dance a lot at a party.
2. You can have a nice time at a party.
3. You can eat and drink at a party.
4. You can meet interesting people at a party.
5. Your neighbours can be very angry about your party.
39. Personality
1. Jenny can swim very well.
2. George can drive well.
3. Laura can sing a little.
4. My son can’t tidy up his room.
5. My sister can’t cook at all.
40. Pets
1. Dogs can guard a house.
2. Cats can play with children.
3. Parrots can talk.
4. You can talk to your pet and it can understand you.
5. You can’t go away and leave your pet alone.
41. Public holidays
1. People can have a rest at home with their families.
2. They can travel on public holidays.
3. They can go hiking on public holidays.
4. They can visit their friends and relatives.
5. You can’t go shopping on public holidays because shops aren’t open.
42. Public transport
1. You can get to work or school by bus, tram or trolleybus.
2. You can go by underground, too.
3. You can buy a monthly pass or a daily ticket.
4. You can travel with it on all kinds of public transport.
5. Public transport can take you to work fast and safely in Budapest.
43. Restaurants
1. You can eat Hungarian, European, Chinese, Japanese or Indian food in a restaurant.
2. You can drink good wine in a restaurant.
3. You can pay by credit card in many places.
4. I can’t eat raw fish, the so-called sushi.
5. Unfortunately, we can’t eat out very often.
44. Seas and oceans
1. You can swim and lie in the sun at the beach.
2. You can eat grilled fish, lobsters and oysters in a restaurant by the sea.
3. You can walk at night and you can see stars in the sky.
4. You can swim in the sea at night.
5. You can dive and see a lot of exotic fish.
45. School
1. You can learn a lot of subjects at school.
2. You can learn foreign languages at school.
3. You can make good friends at school.
4. I can’t answer the teacher’s question.
5. I can’t do this test well.
46. Taxi
1. A taxi can get you to work very fast.
2. You can call a taxi by phone.
3. You can hail a taxi in the street.
4. A taxi driver can cheat you.
5. You can get information about hotels and restaurants from a taxi driver.
47. Teachers
1. A good teacher can teach anyone.
2. A good teacher can give you a lot of information.
3. You can learn a lot from a good teacher.
4. You can ask your teacher questions.
5. Your teacher can ask you questions and give you a mark.
48. Television
1. You can watch the news on TV.
2. You can watch films and shows.
3. You can watch one hundred channels on TV.
4. You can learn a lot about the world.
5. Commercials on TV can make you sick.
49. Theatres
1. You can book a theatre ticket on the phone.
2. You can buy a ticket at the box office, too.
3. You can see famous Hungarian operetta at the Operetta Theatre.
4. You can see opera and ballet at the Opera.
5. Unfortunately, I can’t go to the theatre very often.
50. Weekends
1. I can visit you this weekend.
2. You can go for a long walk at weekends.
3. You can visit your friends or relatives at weekends.
4. You can get up late.
5. They can’t go to the mountains this weekend.
3. Most nézzétek meg a témakörök listáját. Mondjátok el a címét, és egy mondatot az adott témában. Ajánlom hogy vegyétek fel a hangotokat és hasonlítsátok össze az eredeti hanganyaggal. Jegyezzétek fel a hibákat. Írjátok le, mennyi idő kellett ahhoz, hogy mind az 50 témáról beszéljetek. Ismételjétek el ezt a gyakorlatot 2-3 alkalommal.
Angol egyperces tréning No. 6.
Training 10
Alex is on holiday in London but he can’t see his friend Lisa because she is on holiday in Budapest. Lisa is coming back to London on Saturday and Alex is leaving London on Friday. Alex can see his friend Geza. Alex can’t see Geza now because Alex is in London and Geza is in Moscow. Alex can see Geza on Friday, Saturday or Sunday because Alex is coming back to Moscow on Friday and Geza is leaving Moscow on Sunday.
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1. Accommodation (flat, house)
1. You can live in a flat or in a house.
2. You can sleep, eat, cook and read in your flat/ house.
3. You can cook and eat in the kitchen.
4. You can sleep in the bedroom.
5. You can read, watch TV and listen to music in the living room.
1. You can keep your money in a bank.
2. You can take out a loan in a bank.
3. You can pay without money.
4. You can pay by credit card.
5. Your bank can pay your bills from your account.
3. Birthdays and name days
1. You can get a lot of presents for your birthday.
2. You can get some presents for a name day, too.
3. You can invite all your friends to your birthday party.
4. Women and girls can get a lot of flowers for their birthday.
5. Men can get a hangover after their birthday.
4. Books
1. I can read all kinds of books: novels, short stories, science fiction and thrillers.
2. I can read very fast and I can read fifty pages at a go.
3. You can get a lot of information from books.
4. You can imagine the characters and situations.
5. You can buy books or you can borrow them from a library.
5. Breakfast
1. You can drink a glass of juice, a cup of coffee or tea for breakfast.
2. You can have some yoghurt or corn flakes for breakfast.
3. I can cook my breakfast myself.
4. At weekends people can have a big and heavy breakfast.
5. At weekends people can have breakfast later than usual.
6. Brothers and sisters
1. My sister can speak English very well.
2. My brother can ride a motorbike.
3. My brother and I can sing very well.
4. You can like or dislike your brother or sister but they are your family.
5. Brothers and sisters can always help you.
7. Cars
1. I can drive but not very well.
2. Driving in the city can be dangerous.
3. You can only do fifty kilometres an hour in the city.
4. You can do one hundred and thirty kilometres an hour on the highway.
5. You can travel anywhere by car.
8. Cinemas
1. You can have a nice time at the cinema.
2. You can watch films and cartoons at the cinema.
3. You can eat popcorn and drink Cola at the cinema, too.
4. The cinema can be a good place for a date.
5. You can book tickets or you can buy them just before the film.
9. Colds and flu
1. You can easily catch a cold in winter.
2. You can catch flu on a bus or even in the hospital.
3. You can’t work with flu.
4. You can’t even visit your friends.
5. If you have flu, you can stay in bed for a week.
10. Colleagues/Classmates
1. We can work well together.
2. We can get on well.
3. We can go to the cinema together.
4. We can sometimes have a party.
5. We can quarrel sometimes, too.
1. You can have soup and meat with some salad or rice for dinner.
2. You can have fish and chips, too.
3. You can have a cake or some ice-cream for dessert.
4. You can have dinner in a restaurant, too.
5. I can’t cook a really delicious dinner myself.
12. Family
1. I can’t visit my parents every week.
2. I can always talk to them about my troubles on the phone.
3. We can go on holiday together.
4. The whole family can meet at somebody’s wedding or funeral.
5. Your family can always help you.
13. Famous people
1. You can read a lot about famous people.
2. You can see them on TV.
3. Famous people can help poor people and children.
4. Famous people can’t live in peace.
5. Information about famous people can cost a lot.
14. Favourite foods
1. I can eat my favourite foods at a restaurant.
2. I can eat fish every day.
3. My mum can cook all my favourite dishes.
4. Some people can’t live without their favourite foods.
5. I can’t resist seafood.
15. Friends
1. My friend can dance very well.
2. We can talk, dance, eat out and listen to music together.
3. Friends can always help you.
4. Friends can know a lot about you.
5. You can’t just forget about your friends.
1. You can buy some very good furniture in Ikea.
2. Some people can make wonderful furniture.
3. I can repair my furniture myself.
4. Wooden furniture can cost a lot.
5. Young couples can buy second-hand furniture at first.
1. I can work in my garden at weekends.
2. You can grow fruit and vegetables in your garden.
3. You can grow flowers in your garden.
4. You can grow flowers on the balcony, too.
5. Some people can grow large and delicious fruits and vegetables.
1. My grandfather can sing very well.
2. My grandmother can cook wonderful meals.
3. I can always visit them.
4. They can give me good advice.
5. I can get some nice hand-made presents from them.
19. Harmful habits
1. I can eat a whole chocolate bar.
2. I can read the whole night through.
3. Some people can smoke twenty cigarettes a day.
4. Drugs can kill you in the short run.
5. Drinking too much coffee can be harmful, too.
20. Hobbies.
1. I can play the piano.
2. My sister can paint very well.
3. You can collect stamps, vases or toys.
4. Rich people can collect old pictures, books or cars.
5. Some people can even collect castles!
21. Holiday
1. You can have a really nice holiday at Balaton.
2. You can get up late on holiday.
3. You can go to the sea, to the countryside, to the hills and mountains on holiday.
4. You can go skiing or hiking.
5. You can go to another town or country and learn a lot about the culture.
22. Hotels
1. You can stay in The Park Hotel in London.
2. You can have a nice time in the hotel.
3. You can sleep in your room and eat in a restaurant in the hotel.
4. You can just do nothing in the hotel.
5. Rich people can just live in hotels.
23. Household chores
1. My girlfriend can cook very well.
2. I can read while my washing machine is washing.
3. I can watch TV while my dishwasher is washing-up.
4. I can talk on the phone while my husband is vacuum cleaning.
5. I can do everything about the house myself.
24. Life in the city
1. You can find a good job in the city.
2. You can use public transport in the city.
3. You can go to the theatre or cinema in the city.
4. You can go to a restaurant in the city.
5. You can always meet your friends in the city.
25. Life in the country
1. You can buy a house with a garden in the country.
2. You can grow fruit and vegetables in the country.
3. You can live quietly in the country.
4. You can have a lot of pets.
5. You can have animals like chickens, geese, cows and pigs
in the country.
26. Lottery
1. You can buy a lottery ticket any time.
2. You can buy a lottery ticket every week.
3. You can win a lot of money in a lottery.
4. You can win a holiday or a car.
5. You can win just a small prize in a lottery.
27. Lunch
1. You can have a salad, meat or fish for lunch.
2. You can have just sandwiches for lunch.
3. Schoolchildren can have lunch in the school canteen.
4. You can buy a take-away lunch.
5. Sometimes, I can’t have lunch at all.
28. Millionaire
1. A millionaire can travel a lot.
2. A millionaire can buy expensive clothes and cars.
3. A millionaire can stop working.
4. A millionaire can help charity organizations.
5. A millionaire can have a lot of problems.
29. Money
1. You can pay without cash, too.
2. You can pay by credit card.
3. You can pay by cheque.
4. You can borrow money from a bank.
5. Money can’t make you happy.
30. My city
1. I can walk along the Danube in Budapest.
2. You can study and work in Budapest.
3. You can have a nice time in Budapest.
4. You can meet a lot of tourists in Budapest.
5. You can go to the theatre or to a museum in Budapest.
31. My country
1. You can drink good wine in Hungary.
2. You can go to Balaton for a holiday in Hungary.
3. You can go to the Matra Mountains for a holiday in Hungary.
4. You can visit a lot of sights in Hungary.
5. You can meet a lot of interesting people in Hungary.
32. My school day/my working day
1. I can have an hour’s break for lunch.
2. I can have short coffee breaks, too.
3. Students can read, write, listen to their teachers, answer their questions, and do tests during the lessons.
4. During the breaks pupils can have snacks or go out to the school yard.
5. I can’t get up late on workdays.
1. Friends can always visit me.
2. We can have parties in our garden.
3. We can have meals on the terrace.
4. I can have a study and a small gym in my ideal house.
5. I can swim in my swimming pool, too.
34. Myself
1. I can dance very well.
2. I can play the piano.
3. I can speak three foreign languages.
4. I can’t drive very well.
5. I can’t cook at all.
35. On a coach
1. You can read on a coach.
2. You can listen to music on a coach.
3. You can travel by coach anywhere in Hungary.
4. You can travel abroad by coach.
5. You can’t travel very fast by coach.
36. On a plane
1. You can travel very far by plane.
2. You can read, sleep, eat and even drink wine on a plane.
3. You can watch films on some planes.
4. You can’t take your suitcase with you to a plane.
5. You can only take a small bag with you.
37. On a train
1. You can read a book or a magazine on a train.
2. You can talk to your fellow passengers.
3. You can enjoy the scenery.
4. You can drink coffee and eat some sandwiches in the buffet-car.
5. You can meet some interesting people on a train.
38. Parties
1. You can dance a lot at a party.
2. You can have a nice time at a party.
3. You can eat and drink at a party.
4. You can meet interesting people at a party.
5. Your neighbours can be very angry about your party.
39. Personality
1. Jenny can swim very well.
2. George can drive well.
3. Laura can sing a little.
4. My son can’t tidy up his room.
5. My sister can’t cook at all.
40. Pets
1. Dogs can guard a house.
2. Cats can play with children.
3. Parrots can talk.
4. You can talk to your pet and it can understand you.
5. You can’t go away and leave your pet alone.
41. Public holidays
1. People can have a rest at home with their families.
2. They can travel on public holidays.
3. They can go hiking on public holidays.
4. They can visit their friends and relatives.
5. You can’t go shopping on public holidays because shops aren’t open.
42. Public transport
1. You can get to work or school by bus, tram or trolleybus.
2. You can go by underground, too.
3. You can buy a monthly pass or a daily ticket.
4. You can travel with it on all kinds of public transport.
5. Public transport can take you to work fast and safely in Budapest.
43. Restaurants
1. You can eat Hungarian, European, Chinese, Japanese or Indian food in a restaurant.
2. You can drink good wine in a restaurant.
3. You can pay by credit card in many places.
4. I can’t eat raw fish, the so-called sushi.
5. Unfortunately, we can’t eat out very often.
1. You can swim and lie in the sun at the beach.
2. You can eat grilled fish, lobsters and oysters in a restaurant by the sea.
3. You can walk at night and you can see stars in the sky.
4. You can swim in the sea at night.
5. You can dive and see a lot of exotic fish.
1. You can learn a lot of subjects at school.
2. You can learn foreign languages at school.
3. You can make good friends at school.
4. I can’t answer the teacher’s question.
5. I can’t do this test well.
1. A taxi can get you to work very fast.
2. You can call a taxi by phone.
3. You can hail a taxi in the street.
4. A taxi driver can cheat you.
5. You can get information about hotels and restaurants from a taxi driver.
1. A good teacher can teach anyone.
2. A good teacher can give you a lot of information.
3. You can learn a lot from a good teacher.
4. You can ask your teacher questions.
5. Your teacher can ask you questions and give you a mark.
1. You can watch the news on TV.
2. You can watch films and shows.
3. You can watch one hundred channels on TV.
4. You can learn a lot about the world.
5. Commercials on TV can make you sick.
49. Theatres
1. You can book a theatre ticket on the phone.
2. You can buy a ticket at the box office, too.
3. You can see famous Hungarian operetta at the Operetta Theatre.
4. You can see opera and ballet at the Opera.
5. Unfortunately, I can’t go to the theatre very often.
1. I can visit you this weekend.
2. You can go for a long walk at weekends.
3. You can visit your friends or relatives at weekends.
4. You can get up late.
5. They can’t go to the mountains this weekend.
3. Most nézzétek meg a témakörök listáját. Mondjátok el a címét, és egy mondatot az adott témában. Ajánlom hogy vegyétek fel a hangotokat és hasonlítsátok össze az eredeti hanganyaggal. Jegyezzétek fel a hibákat. Írjátok le, mennyi idő kellett ahhoz, hogy mind az 50 témáról beszéljetek. Ismételjétek el ezt a gyakorlatot 2-3 alkalommal.
1. Accommodation (flat, house)
2. Banks
3. Birthdays and name days
4. Books
5. Breakfast
6. Brothers and sisters
7. Cars
8. Cinemas
9. Colds and flu
10. Colleagues/Classmates
11. Dinner
12. Family
13. Famous people
14. Favourite foods
15. Friends
16. Furniture
17. Gardening
18. Grandparents
19. Harmful habits
20. Hobbies
21. Holiday
22. Hotels
23. Household chores
24. Life in the city
25. Life in the country
26. Lottery
27. Lunch
28. Millionaire
29. Money
30. My city
31. My country
32. My school day/my working day
33. My ideal house
34. Myself
35. On a coach
36. On a plane
37. On a train
38. Parties
39. Personality
40. Pets
41. Public holidays
42. Public transport
43. Restaurants
44. Seas and oceans
45. School
46. Taxi
47. Teachers
48. Television
49. Theatres
50. Weekends
Használjátok az alábbi linkeket:
EN-HU Windows
5. Kövessétek a lépéseket a feladatokat bemutató videó szerint (Első fejezet, 3. rész).
Használjátok az alábbi linkeket:
EN - HU Black Jack Chapter One Part Three
EN - HU Black Jack Extras Chapter One Part Three
EN - HU Black Jack Dictionary Chapter One Part Three
4. Gyakroljatok a Black Jack Comes Back alkalmazás 1. fejezetének 3. részével (3. kép). Ehhez először töltsétek le a program ingyenes változatát. Válasszatok az alábbi platformok közül: Windows- (PC ) MAC ( Macintosh) , iOS ( iPhone , iPad) , Android ( Android okostelefonok , tabletek).
Használjátok az alábbi linkeket:
EN-HU Windows
5. Kövessétek a lépéseket a feladatokat bemutató videó szerint (Első fejezet, 3. rész).
Használjátok az alábbi linkeket:
EN - HU Black Jack Chapter One Part Three
EN - HU Black Jack Extras Chapter One Part Three
EN - HU Black Jack Dictionary Chapter One Part Three
Szeretnénk felhívni a figyelmeteket a program elrendezésére. (Kétféleképpen lehet gyakorolni a szöveget: intereaktív tréningek és extra feladatok. A program fő része a képekből és a hozzá tartozó szövegekből, interaktív gyakorlatokból és mondatrendező feladatokból áll. Az extra feladatok szórendező, mondatrendező, diktálás, kiejtési gyakorlatot, fordítást (angolról magyarra (vagy orosz,német, spanyol, francia), /vissza/fordítást magyarról angolra tartalmaznak, ahol fel tudjátok venni a hangotokat és ellenőrizni, összehasonlítani a kiejtéseteket az eredetivel.
Próbáljátok elkerülni a hibákat és maximálisan törekedni a folyékony beszédre.
A program anyaga úgy épül fel, hogy nektek nem szükséges tanulni semmit. Anélkül fogtok emlékezni az anyagra, hogy észrevennétek.
A program megtanít beszélni és gondolkodni angolul.
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