2013. december 23., hétfő

3. hét, 1. nap

A mai téma a szállás.

1. Kezdjük a témát a különböző típusú szállásokkal.

Andrew: Do you live in a house or a flat?
Edward: I live in a small flat. Do you live in a flat, too?
Andrew: No, I don’t. I live in a big old house.
Edward: Where is your house?
Andrew: It is very far from the city.
Edward: Do you like having a house in the country?
Andrew: Yes, I do. Do you like living in the middle of the city?
Edward: I love it!
Andrew: Why do you love it?
Edward: Because it’s very exciting. There are many things to do.
Andrew: There are a lot of things to do in the country but it is quiet.
Edward: My flat is never quiet but I don’t care.
Andrew: Why don’t you care?
Edward: Because I never sleep.

Training 1
Andrew: “I don’t live in a flat. I live in a big old house. It is in the country and far from the city. I don’t like to live in the middle of the city because it is too noisy there. There aren’t many things to do in the country. There aren’t many places to go. It is a bit boring to live in the country but at least it is quiet.”

1. Do you live in a flat or a house?
2. Is it a small new house?
3. Where is it?
4. Why don’t you like to live in the middle of the city?
5. What can you do in the country?
6. Where can you go?
7. Is it very interesting to live in the country?
8. Why do you like to live in the country?

Training 2
Edward: “I don’t live in a house in the country. I live in a small flat in the middle of the city. The city is noisy. There are a lot of cars and people in the city. However, I like to live there because it is so exciting. There are a lot of things to do in the city. My flat is never quiet but I don’t care. I don’t care because I never sleep.”

1. Do you live in a house or in a flat?
2. Is your flat small or big?
3. Why is the city so noisy?
4. Why do you like to live in the city?
5. Why is it exciting to live there?
6. Is your flat quiet?
7. Why don’t you care about it?

Training 3
Andrew and Edward are speaking about living in different types of accommodation. Andrew prefers living in a house in the country and Edward likes living in the middle of the city. The advantage of living in the country is that it is quiet and this is what Andrew likes. Edward finds living in the city very exciting. His flat is never quiet but he doesn’t care because he never sleeps.

- Hallgassátok meg a párbeszédet, a három történetet és a párbeszédek összefoglalóját anélkül , hogy olvasnátok a szöveget. Csak a képet nézzétek. Hallgassátok meg 2-3 alkalommal. Miután meghallgattátok a párbeszédet és az összefoglalókat, nézzétek meg a szövegeket és ellenőrizzétek, megértettetek-e minden részletet, vagy sem.

- Olvassátok el a párbeszédet és az összefoglalókat és közben vegyétek fel a hangotokat. Azután hallgassátok meg az eredeti szövegeket, illetve a saját, felvett hangotokat mondatról-mondatra.

1. Tréning. Válaszoljatok a kérdésekre. Olvassátok el az elsőt, válaszoljatok rá, aztán a másodikat, és így tovább...

- Mondjátok el az 1. tréninget anélkül, hogy néznétek a szöveget. Vegyétek fel a hangotokat és hasonlítsátok össze azt a könyvben lévő történettel.

A 2. Tréning esetében járjatok el ugyanúgy, mint az elsőnél.

3. Tréning. Olvassátok el az összefoglalókat 2-3-szor. Most nem kell semmit memorizálnotok.

Van még további 40 párbeszéd és 120 olyan összefoglaló, mint ez, Alexander Pavlenko, a Párbeszédek és összefoglalásaik kezdőknek című könyvében.

2. Emlékeztek az 5 mondatra a Szállás témakörben, amit tegnap gyakoroltatok? Mondjátok el az 5 mondatot 2-3-szor.

1. Accommodation (flat, house)
1. I live in a flat in a block of flats.
2. I live in Budapest.
3. A lot of young people rent flats.
4. Students often share flats.
5. Only rich people live in houses in big cities.

3. Nézzétek meg a képet és hallgassátok meg 2-3-szor az 1. témát a Szállás témakörben.

- Hallgassátok és olvassátok is el most. Állítsátok meg a felvételt minden mondat után és próbáljátok utánozni az anyanyelvi bemondót.


1. Accommodation
Accommodation is a big problem these days. You can live in a flat or in a house. In cities most people live in flats. Only very rich people can live in houses in cities. Students usually share flats. Young families often rent flats. Fortunately, I have a flat. I live in a block of flats in Budapest. There are three rooms in my flat: a kitchen, a living room and a bedroom. Unfortunately, there isn’t a big bathroom in my flat. It has central heating. My flat has a nice view. Its windows overlook the park. It is very comfortable and nice. I really like it.
Válaszoljatok a kérdésekre.
  1. Is accommodation a problem today?
  2. Where do most people live in cities?
  3. Why do they live in flats?
  4. What do students usually do?
  5. What do young families often do?
  6. Do you have a flat?
  7. How many rooms are there in your flat?
  8. What are they?
  9. Is there a big bathroom, too?
  10. What view does the flat have?

- Próbáljátok megjegyezni a szöveget.

- Mondjátok el a szöveget. Vegyétek fel a hangotokat és vessétek össze az eredeti szöveggel.

4. Gyakoroljátok a Black Jack Comes Back 3. fejezetének 4. részét (4. kép).

A Black Jack program letölthető különféle platformokra az alábbi linken:
Válasszátok ki a megfelelő platformot: Windows (PC), MAC (Macintosh), iOS (iPhones, iPads), Android (okostelefonok, tabletek), és kövessétek az információkat.

EN Black Jack Chapter Three Part Four 

5. Ismételjétek el és gyakoroljátok a 18. és a 30. tréningeket (there was/were) egyszerű múltban.


There is a village in America. It is called Budapest. There isn’t a big river in the village. There is only a small stream there. There are two parts of the village. The part on the right side of the stream is called Buda and the part on the left side of the stream is called Pest. There is only one bridge across the stream. It is called The Chain Bridge. There is a street in the village. It is called Vaci Street. There is a small hotel on the street. It is called The Budapest Hotel. There is a cinema on the street. It is called The Pannonia. There is a small restaurant in the street. It is called The Fishermen’s Bastion. You can eat Hungarian fish soup there. There is a pub in the street. It is called Kochma. You can drink palinka there.


Once I went to America because I knew that there was a village in America called Budapest. I wanted to see the village. I saw the village. There wasn’t a big river in the village. There was only a small stream there. There were two parts of the village. The part on the right side of the stream was called Buda and the part on the left side of the stream was called Pest. There was only one bridge across the stream. It was called The Chain Bridge. There was a street in the village. It was called Vaci Street. There was a small hotel in the street. It was called The Budapest Hotel. There was a cinema in the street. It was called The Pannonia. There was a small restaurant in the street. It was called The Fishermen’s Bastion. I ate Hungarian fish soup there. There was a pub in the street. It was called Kochma. I drank palinka there.

6. Hallgassátok meg az 1. témát (Szállás) múlt időben. Olvassátok el sokszor és válaszoljatok a kérdésekre.

Accomodation_past simple 

Olvassátok el többször, majd válaszoljatok a kérdésekre.

1. Accommodation
Accommodation was a big problem for me when I was young. I shared a flat with my fellow students. There were three rooms in it: a kitchen, a living room and a bedroom. Unfortunately, there wasn’t a big bathroom in my flat. It was very comfortable and nice.

1. When was accommodation a problem for you?
2. Who did you share a flat with?
3. How many rooms were there?
4. What didn’t you like about the flat?
5. What was the flat like?

Található még 50 téma egyszerű jelen időben és egyszerű múltban Alexander Pavlenko, Társalgási Témák kezdőknek c. könyvében.

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