2013. december 22., vasárnap

2. hét, 3. nap

1. Ismételjétek át a Family témakör párbeszédének összefoglalásait. Nézzétek a képet és hallgassátok meg Bob és Nick beszélgetését és történeteiket. Mondjátok el 2-szer, 3-szor, és vegyétek fel közben a hangotokat.

Kövessétek a linket:


2. Gyakoroljátok a 17., 18. és 21-es tréningeket there is/there are nyelvtani szerkezetekkel. Mondjátok el mindegyiket 20-szor. Ehhez kb. 1 órára less szükségetek.

Kövessétek a linkeket:




Training 17
There is a river in Budapest. There is a river in London. And there is a river in Moscow. There is an underground in Budapest. There is an underground in London. And there is an underground in Moscow. There is a zoo in Budapest. There is a zoo in London. And there is a zoo in Moscow. There are a lot of churches in Budapest. There are a lot of churches in London. And there are a lot of churches in Moscow. There are a lot of museums in Budapest. There are a lot of museums in London. And there are a lot of museums in Moscow. There are a lot of theatres in Budapest. There are a lot of theatres in London. And there are a lot of theatres in Moscow.

Training 18
There is a village in America. It is called Budapest. There isn’t a big river in the village. There is only a small stream there. There are two parts of the village. The part on the right side of the stream is called Buda and the part on the left side of the stream is called Pest. There is only one bridge across the stream. It is called The Chain Bridge. There is a street in the village. It is called Vaci Street. There is a small hotel on the street. It is called The Budapest Hotel. There is a cinema on the street. It is called The Pannonia. There is a small restaurant in the street. It is called The Fishermen’s Bastion. You can eat Hungarian fish soup there. There is a pub in the street. It is called Kochma. You can drink palinka there.

Training 21
My room isn’t very big. There is 1 door in the room. There are 2 windows in the room. There are 3 bookcases in the room. There are 4 desks in the room. There are 5 chairs in the room. There are 6 computers in the room. There are 7 telephones in the room. There are 8 pictures in the room. There are 9 plants in the room. There are 10 people in the room now. There is only 1 important issue to discuss today. That is the New Year’s Eve party.

3. Hallgassátok meg a példamondatokat mind az 50 témában és próbáljátok megérteni őket. Ez a szövegértési gyakorlat készít fel a beszédhez 50 témában.
Holnap lesznek olvashatók az 50 témakör példamondatai a blogon, így ellenőrizni tudjátok majd, hogy mit értettetek meg, és mit nem.
Választhattok majd az 50 téma minden példamondatából egyet-egyet, hogy megtanuljatok beszélni valamennyi témakörben a there is/there are nyelvtani szerkezeteket használva.

Kövessétek a linket:

There is_samples

4. Ismételjétek át a Black Jack Comes Back 1. fejezet 1 – 5. részeit (1 – 5. képek).

ENG-HU Black Jack Dictionary Chapter One Part Two

 EN - HU Black Jack Chapter One Part Three

EN - HU Black Jack Extras Chapter One Part Three 

EN - HU Black Jack Dictionary Chapter One Part Three 

EN - HU Black Jack Chapter One Part Four

EN - HU Extras Black Jack Chapter One Part Four

EN - HU Dictionary Black Jack Chapter One Part Four

EN - HU Black Jack Chapter One Part Five

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Android (okostelefon, tabletek).

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