A mai nap témája
az Ideális házam.
1. Nézzétek meg a
képet és hallgassátok meg a 33. Témát (My Ideal House) 2-3-szor.
Hallgassátok meg és olvassátok el a szöveget most. Állítsátok
meg a felvételt minden egyes mondat után és próbáljátok meg
utánozni az anyanyelvi beszélőt.
My ideal
house is a nice house in the country. It isn’t very big. It has
eight rooms. It has two floors. Upstairs there are four bedrooms and
a bathroom. Downstairs there is a living room, a
kitchen, a bathroom, and a study. There is also a small gym in my
ideal house. I can work out there. My house is comfortable. It has a
fireplace. There is a garden with flowers, fruit trees and bushes
around the house. I want to have a swimming pool behind the house,
too. Friends can always come and visit me. We can have garden
parties. We can have meals on the terrace.
1. What
is your ideal house like?
2. Is it
3. How
many rooms has it got?
4. How
many floors has it got?
5. What
is there upstairs?
6. What
is there downstairs?
7. What
else is there in your ideal house?
8. Is
there a garden around it?
9. What
do you want to have behind the house?
Where can you have parties and meals?
- Próbáljátok
megjegyezni a szöveget.
- Mondjátok el a
szöveget. Vegyétek fel a hangotokat, majd hasonlítsátok össze az
eredeti szöveggel.
2. Hallgassátok meg
a 33. Témát (My Ideal House) egyszerű múlt időben. Olvassátok
el sokszor és válaszoljatok a kérdésekre.
My Ideal House_past tense
When I lived in a flat, I often
dreamt of my ideal house. My ideal house was a nice house in the
country. Upstairs there were four bedrooms and a bathroom. Downstairs
there was a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom and a study. There was
a garden with flowers, fruit trees and bushes around the house.
1. What did you dream of when you
lived in a flat?
2. What was your ideal house like?
3. What was there in it?
4. What was there around the
3. Gyakoroljátok a
Black Jack Comes Back 5. fejezetének 1. részét (1. kép)
EN - HU Black Jack Chapter Five Part One
A Black Jack Comes Back program letölthető a www.sapcrystals.com weblapon.
alábbi platformok közül választhattok:
Windows (PC),
MAC (Macintosh), iOS (iPhones, iPads), Android
(okostelefonok, tabletek) kövessétek letöltéskor az utasításokat.
4. Hallgassátok
meg a párbeszédet és a három történetet, a párbeszédek
összefoglalásait anélkül, hogy olvasnátok a szöveget.
Hallgassátok meg 2-3 alkalommal. Ezután hallgassátok meg a
párbeszédet és az összefoglalókat ismét, miközben nézitek a
szöveget és ellenőrizzétek, hogy megértettetek-e minden
részletet, vagy nem.
Mary: Mr. Glover has a new house. It’s amazing.
Bob: Tell me about it.
Mary: I don’t know where to start!
Bob: Well, where is it?
Mary: It’s on a hill. There is a great view of the city from the patio.
Bob: That sounds nice. How many rooms are there in the house?
Mary: A lot! I think there are twenty-one. It’s a very large house.
Bob: Which room is the biggest?
Mary: The dining room is the biggest. It is larger than my entire flat.
Bob: How many people can sit at the dining room table?
Mary: I don’t know.
Bob: Tell me about the other parts of this mansion.
Mary: Okay. The house has five bathrooms and eight bedrooms.
Bob: Which room is your favourite?
Mary: That’s easy. The room with the swimming pool and jacuzzi.
Bob: Wow! Mr. Glover’s new house is amazing.
Mary: Yes, amazing and expensive.
Training 4
Mary is telling Bob that Mr. Glover has a new house. Mr. Glover’s new house is amazing. It’s on a hill with a great view of the city from the patio. It’s a very large house with twenty-one rooms. The dining room is the biggest. The house has five bathrooms and eight bedrooms. There’s also a room with a swimming pool and jacuzzi.
1. Does Mr. Glover have a new house or a flat?
2. Where is it?
3. Does it have a great view from the kitchen or from the patio?
4. How many rooms are there?
5. Which is the biggest room?
6. How many bathrooms are there?
7. How many bedrooms are there?
8. Is there a swimming pool in the garden?
Training 5
Bob: “Mary is telling me that Mr. Glover has a new house. I know that Mr. Glover doesn’t have a new house. Mr. Glover is a businessman but he isn’t a successful businessman. Mr. Glover rents a small flat in the centre of the city. The flat only has one bedroom. It doesn’t have a room with a swimming pool. I know that Mary wants a new house and I want to know what kind of house she wants.”
1. What is Mary telling Bob?
2. Does Mr. Glover have a new house or not?
3. What does Mr. Glover do?
4. Is Mr. Glover a successful businessman or not?
5. Does he live in a big house in the country?
6. How many bedrooms does he have?
7. What about a swimming pool?
8. What does Mary want?
Training 6
Mary is telling Bob about Mr. Glover and his big house. She wants a new house on a hill with a great view of the city from the patio. She wants a very large house with a lot of rooms. She also wants a room with a swimming pool and jacuzzi. Mr. Glover is a businessman but he isn’t very successful. In fact he doesn’t have a house. He rents a small flat in the city. There isn’t a swimming pool in the flat. There is only one bedroom and a small kitchen.
- Olvassátok el a párbeszédet
és az összefoglalókat, és vegyétek fel közben a hangotokat.
Majd hallgassátok meg az eredeti szöveget és a saját hangotokat
- 4. Tréning. Válaszoljatok a
kérdésekre. Olvassátok el az első kérdést és válaszoljatok
rá. Majd a olvassátok el a másodikat, és így tovább...
- Most csak nézzétek a
kérdéseket madj válaszoljatok rájuk egyenként. Ismételjétek
meg ezt 2-3-szor. Próbáljatok megállás nélkül válaszolni
minden kérdésre.
- Mondjátok el a 4. Tréning
szövegét anélkül, hogy néznétek a szöveget. Vegyétek fel a
hangotokat és hasonlítsátok össze a saját történeteteket a
könyvben lévő szöveggel.
- 5. Tréning. Ugyanazt a teendő,
mint az előző tréningnél.
- 6. Tréning.
Olvassátok el az összefoglalókat 2-3-szor. Most nem kell
memorizálnotok semmit.
5. Gyakoroljátok a
27. tréninget egyszerű jelen és a 31. tréninget egyszerű múlt
Training 27
Helga is a translator. She
translates books from English into Hungarian. Helga translates
perfectly. Helga likes translating but she hates typing. Helga never
types her translations. She never writes her translations, either.
Helga has a very good assistant. Helga dictates and her assistant
types the texts into the computer. Helga doesn’t like the computer
and the computer doesn’t like Helga. Whenever Helga tries to use
the computer, it refuses to work. However, the computer never refuses
to work for the assistant. They adore each other.
Training 31
Helga used to be a
translator. She translated books from English into Hungarian. Helga
translated perfectly. Helga liked translating but she hated typing.
Helga never typed her translations. She never wrote her translations,
either. Helga had a very good assistant. Helga dictated and her
assistant typed the texts into the computer. Helga didn’t like the
computer and the computer didn’t like Helga. Whenever Helga tried
to use the computer, it refused to work. However, the computer never
refused to work for the assistant. They adored each other.
6. Csináljátok meg
a tesztet a Társalgási Tesztek Kezdőknek című könyvből.
Egészítsétek ki a
mondatokat a my, your, his, her, our, their névmásokkal.
1. Mr. Doss lives at _____ parent’s house in the suburbs.
2. Mr. Slater lives in the city. _____ apartment is very small.
3. Ms. Kramer lives in the country. _____ house is very big.
4. I live two kilometres from Ms. Kramer. _____ house is smaller than hers.
5. Ms. Kramer has a big party every weekend. Many people come to _____ parties.
6. Mr. Doss drives _____ truck from the city to Ms. Kramer’s house every weekend.
7. I never have parties at _____ house.
8. You live very far away. _____ apartment is in Paris.
9. Mr. Slater visited me. He left _____ hat in my house.
10. I still have his hat in _____ closet.
11. Ms. Kramer visited you. She left _____ sunglasses on your kitchen counter.
12. The sunglasses are still in _____ kitchen.
13. Mr. Doss and Mr. Slater own a cabin. _____ cabin is by a lake.
14. They do not go to _____ cabin in winter. It is too cold.
15. I like to visit their cabin. I drive there in _____ car.
16. We met in Paris. _____ hotel rooms were on the same floor.
17. You visited me last year. You slept on _____ couch.
18. We went to one of Ms. Kramer’s parties. _____ party was excellent.
19. Mr. Doss was there. He played _____ guitar.
20. We cooked a meal in the kitchen. Everyone liked _____ food.
Nézzétek meg a
teszt megoldókulcsát a teszt alatt.
Olvassátok el a
történeten alapuló tesztet 2-3 alkalommal. Próbáljátok
megjegyezni a szöveget. Vegyétek fel a hangotokat, hasonlítsátok
össze az eredeti szöveggel.
A 3. teszt
megoldókulcsa (Accomodation)
1. his 2. his 3. her 4. my 5. her 6. his 7. my 8. your 9. his 10.
my 11. her 12. your 13. their 14. their 15. my 16. our 17. my 18. her
19. his 20. our
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