1. hét, 3. nap
1. Ismételjétek el a 2., 3., 4. és 5. tréningeket megállás nélkül háromszor (ehhez nincs szükség többre, mint 10 percre).
Training 2
It is 8 o’clock. Mike is at home. He is drinking tea. It is 9 o’clock. Mike isn’t at home. He is going to work. It is 10 o’clock. Mike is at work. He is working. It is 11 o’clock. Mike is at work but he isn’t working. He is drinking coffee. It is 6 o’clock. Mike isn’t at work. He isn’t at home. He is in a pub. He is drinking beer. It is 8 o’clock. Mike is at home. He is watching TV and drinking tea.
Training 3
Mike: “It is 8 o’clock. I am at home. I am drinking tea. It is 9 o’clock. I am not at home. I am at work. I am working. It is 10 o’clock. I am at work but I am not working. I am drinking coffee. It is 6 o’clock. I am not at work. I am not at home. I am in a pub. I am drinking beer. It is 8 o’clock. I am at home. I am watching TV and drinking tea.”
Training 4
Barbara and Alice: “We are twins. We are always together. It is 7 o’clock in the morning. We are at home. We are having breakfast. It is 8 o’clock. We aren’t at home. We are going to school. It is 9 o’clock. We are at school. We are learning. It is 12 o’clock. We are at school. We aren’t learning. We are having lunch. It is 3 o’clock. We are at home. We aren’t doing our homework. We are playing.”
Training 5
Alex is a doctor. He is 30. Alex is from Russia. He is from Moscow. Alex is on holiday in London. He is staying in London for 6 days. He is coming back to Moscow on Friday. Lisa is a reporter. She is 40. Lisa is from England. She is from London. Lisa is on holiday in Budapest. She is staying in Budapest for 7 days. She is coming back to London on Saturday. Geza is a taxi driver. He is 50. Geza is from Hungary. He is from Budapest. Geza is on holiday in Moscow. He is staying in Moscow for 8 days. He is coming back to Budapest on Sunday.”
2. Olvassátok el az 50 téma mondatait (összesen 250) a „be” létige jelen idejű használatával (am/am not, is/isn’t, are/aren’t). Válasszátok ki az egyik legegyszerűbb mondatot minden témakörből – összesen 50-et. Olvassátok el a kiválasztott mondatokat egymás után 2-3 alkalommal.
1. Accommodation (flat, house)
1. My flat is nice.
2. My house isn’t big/small/bad/good/new.
3. My house is old, beautiful and expensive.
4. My flat is very comfortable.
5. Accommodation is a big problem today.
1. My bank is CIB Bank.
2. I am not in the bank now.
3. I am not going to the bank.
4. Banks are important and useful.
5. International banks are very large.
1. My favourite day is my birthday.
2. My birthday is in November.
3. My name day is in February.
4. I am having a birthday party now.
5. Birthdays and name days are great fun for children.
1. Books are very important to me.
2. They are interesting.
3. My favourite book is The Magus.
4. My favourite writer is John Fowles.
5. I am reading a detective story at the moment.
5. Breakfast
1. Breakfast is very important.
2. My breakfast is usually at eight o’clock.
3. My breakfast is usually big/small/early/late/light/heavy.
4. My breakfast is just a cup of coffee/tea and sandwiches.
5. Breakfast is the first meal of the day.
1. Brothers and sisters are very important.
2. My brother’s/sister’s name is John/Jane.
3. He/she is eighteen years old.
4. He/she is nice, pretty, kind, young, etc.
5. He/she is a student.
7. Cars
1. Cars are very useful.
2. They are fast and comfortable.
3. I am driving to work now.
4. My car is nice.
5. It isn’t old.
1. I am not at the cinema now.
2. My favourite cinema is Pushkin.
3. My favourite film is Ocean’s Eleven.
4. Morning shows are the best, because they are cheap.
5. I am going to the cinema this afternoon.
9. Colds and flu
1. Colds and flu are really a problem in winter.
2. Colds and flu are terrible.
3. They are dangerous.
4. Fortunately, I am not ill now.
5. Infections and viruses are everywhere now.
1. My colleagues/classmates are cool/ nice/ not bad.
2. Some of my colleagues/classmates are really dull/boring.
3. We are working on a very important project now.
4. Most of my colleagues are real professionals.
5. Most of my classmates are good at school.
1. Dinner is very important.
2. It is the main meal of the day.
3. A traditional dinner is soup and fish or meat.
4. We aren’t having dinner now.
5. We are all at home for dinner.
1. My family isn’t big.
2. My family is very nice.
3. My mother is kind and loving.
4. My father is very helpful.
5. My grandparents are wise.
1. Famous people are usually rich.
2. Film or music stars are very famous.
3. Some politicians are famous, too.
4. Famous people aren’t different.
5. They are just lucky.
14. Favourite foods
1. My favourite food is Chinese.
2. My favourite food is fish.
3. My favourite drink is orange juice.
4. Indian food is delicious.
5. Home-made food is usually healthy.
1. Friends are important.
2. They are nice / great / kind / helpful.
3. I am not talking to my friends at the moment.
4. My best friend’s name is Diana.
5. My friends are very interesting people.
1. My furniture is old and nice.
2. Modern furniture is ugly.
3. Design furniture is very expensive.
4. I am in a furniture store now and I am buying a bed-side table.
5. Wooden furniture is always popular.
17. Gardening
1. I am not working in the garden now.
2. My garden isn’t big.
3. Gardening is nice and relaxing.
4. It is also healthy and practical.
5. Home-grown fruit and vegetables are delicious.
1. My grandparents are from France.
2. They are both seventy years old.
3. They are wise and kind.
4. They are still active.
5. I am going to see my grandmother now.
1. Smoking is a bad and harmful habit.
2. Smoking is harmful to your lungs.
3. Drinking alcohol is a bad habit, too.
4. Drinking too much alcohol is bad for your liver, heart and brain.
5. I am going shopping now and this is my harmful habit!
1. My hobby is reading.
2. My son is playing computer games now, as usual.
3. Collecting things is a great hobby.
4. Sport is a very healthy hobby.
5. Adventurous and risky hobbies are popular now.
1. I am not on holiday now.
2. My holiday is usually in summer.
3. Holidays are always nice and relaxing.
4. A long holiday is just a dream for a lot of people.
5. Budapest is an ideal place for a short holiday.
1. I am not staying at a hotel at the moment.
2. My favourite hotel is a small hotel in Granada.
3. My favourite hotel is called “Toreador”.
4. It is a very cosy three-star hotel.
5. Some hotels are very expensive.
23. Household chores
1. Household chores are boring.
2. But they are very important.
3. I am doing the washing-up now.
4. Washing-up is just nasty.
5. Fortunately, washing is easy now.
1. Life in the city is interesting.
2. The city is noisy and dangerous.
3. Life in the city is fast and dynamic.
4. Life in the city is busy.
5. People in the city are nervous.
1. Life in the country is quiet and safe.
2. Life in the country is slow and peaceful.
3. Life in the country is boring.
4. Life in the country is healthy and relaxing.
5. My children are visiting their grandparents in the country now.
1. Lotteries are very popular now.
2. Lottery tickets aren’t very expensive.
3. The lottery is a quick way to get a lot of money.
4. Occasionally, jackpots are enormous.
5. My husband is watching a lottery show now.
27. Lunch
1. Lunch is very important.
2. My lunch is usually at one o’clock.
3. My lunch is usually just a snack.
4. We aren’t having lunch now.
5. Take-away and sandwich shops are very popular.
1. I am not a millionaire.
2. A millionaire is a very rich person.
3. A lot of film or music stars are millionaires.
4. Some people are even multimillionaires.
5. The life of a millionaire isn’t always easy.
29. Money
1. Money is always a problem.
2. Money is never enough.
3. Borrowing money isn’t easy.
4. Too much money is also a problem.
5. My friends are trying to earn a lot of money at the moment.
30. My city
1. I am in Budapest.
2. I am walking in the centre of Budapest.
3. My city is beautiful.
4. Budapest isn’t too big.
5. It is old and peaceful.
31. My country
1. I am from Hungary.
2. Hungary is a small country in Europe.
3. It is nice and beautiful.
4. The climate is rather mild here.
5. Hungarians are polite and friendly.
32. My school day/my working day
1. My working day is from eight to five o’clock.
2. It is long and tiring.
3. The lunch break is from 1 to 2 p.m.
4. The first lesson is at eight o‘clock.
5. I am going back home now.
33. My ideal house
1. My ideal house is a nice house in the country.
2. It isn’t very big.
3. It is comfortable.
4. My ideal house is by the sea.
5. My ideal house is light and spacious.
34. Myself
1. My name is Lisa.
2. I am twenty-four years old.
3. I am learning English (Hungarian) at the moment.
4. I am tall, a bit plump and a little bit lazy.
5. I am friendly, helpful, ambitious and good at foreign languages.
35. On a coach
1. I am not on a coach.
2. Coaches are quite comfortable.
3. Coaches aren’t very fast.
4. Coaches are clean.
5. My sister is waiting for a coach at the station now.
36. On a plane
1. Planes are fast and comfortable.
2. I am not flying now.
3. Planes aren’t always safe.
4. Planes are sometimes late.
5. Planes are expensive.
37. On a train
1. I am not on a train now.
2. The train to Budapest is every forty minutes.
3. Trains are quite fast.
4. They are comfortable.
5. Trains are safe and clean.
38. Parties
1. Unfortunately, I am not at a party now.
2. Fortunately, my friends are having a party tonight.
3. Some parties are really boring.
4. I am not a party-goer.
5. Students’ parties are usually noisy.
39. Personality
1. Tom is twenty-five years old.
2. He is tall, strong and handsome.
3. He is a programmer.
4. Tom is clever, absent-minded and untidy.
5. He is swimming in the swimming-pool now.
40. Pets
1. The best pets are cats and dogs.
2. Hamsters and fish are also popular.
3. My pet is a budgie.
4. Its name is John Silver.
5. It is eating nuts at the moment.
41. Public holidays
1. March 15, August 20, October 23, Christmas and Easter are public holidays in Hungary.
2. Public holidays are usually days-off.
3. Christmas is my favourite public holiday.
4. Everybody is happy at Christmas.
5. Easter is a very beautiful religious holiday.
42. Public transport
1. Buses, trams, trolleybuses and the underground are public transport.
2. It is quite expensive in Budapest.
3. It is safe and fast.
4. I am waiting for a bus now.
5. Public transport is very important in cities.
43. Restaurants
1. We are eating out tonight.
2. Some Chinese or Japanese restaurants are very good.
3. My favourite restaurant is called Weathercock.
4. It is a traditional Hungarian restaurant.
5. Take-away restaurants are also very popular today.
44. Seas and oceans
1. A holiday by the sea is really great/nice/wonderful/healthy.
2. A holiday by the sea is a treat for me.
3. The sea is warm and blue and you are absolutely fine and relaxed.
4. My favourite resort is in Egypt.
5. The Red Sea is a paradise for divers.
45. School
1. My school isn’t very big.
2. It is old.
3. My mum is driving me to school now.
4. It is in the centre of Budapest.
5. I am at school now.
46. Taxi
1. Taxis are fast.
2. They aren’t cheap.
3. My uncle is calling a taxi now.
4. Some taxi drivers aren’t honest.
5. Most taxis are modern German cars.
47. Teachers
1. Teaching is an important profession.
2. Teachers are usually nice.
3. Bad teachers are boring.
4. The best teacher for me is my maths teacher.
5. The teacher is asking pupils questions now.
48. Television
1. Television is useful.
2. It is important.
3. It is relaxing.
4. The children aren’t watching TV now.
5. My TV set is very modern with a large flat screen.
49. Theatres
1. It is a good way to relax.
2. I am a theatre-goer.
3. Unfortunately, I am not going to the theatre tonight.
4. One of the best theatres in Budapest is The Katona József Theatre.
5. Theatre tickets are not very expensive in Budapest.
1. Sunday and Saturday are weekend days.
2. They are my favourite days.
3. Weekends are very relaxing.
4. In the country weekends aren’t busy.
5. Everybody is at home with their family at weekends.
3. Nézzétek meg a témakörök listáját. Mondjátok el a címét, és egy mondatot az adott témában. Ajánlom hogy vegyétek fel a hangotokat és hasonlítsátok össze az eredeti hanganyaggal. Jegyezzétek fel a hibákat. Írjátok le, mennyi idő kellett ahhoz, hogy mind az 50 témáról beszéljetek. Ismételjétek el ezt a gyakorlatot 2-3 alkalommal.
4. Itt az ideje a munkának számítógépes interaktív programunkkal. Gyakoroljatok a Black Jack Comes Back alkalmazás 1. fejezetével. Ehhez először töltsétek le a program ingyenes változatát. Válasszatok az alábbi platformok közül: Windows- (PC ) MAC ( Macintosh) , iOS ( iPhone , iPad) , Android ( Android okostelefonok , tabletek).
Windows http://dl.sapcrystals.com/bj_demo/win/CrystalsBJ_EN_HU_Demo_Download.exe
MAC http://cdn.esellerate.net/P/PUB9143483556/5012506125/Black%20Jack%20EN-HU%20Demo%20Download.dmg?authtoken=1386697792_2ebccabee55cefea8a61f6eb00767a30
iOS https://itunes.apple.com/hu/app/crystals-black-jack-en-hu/id550447245
5. Szeretnénk felhívni a figyelmeteket a program elrendezésére. (Kétféleképpen lehet gyakorolni a szöveget: intereaktív tréningek és extra feladatok. A program fő része a képekből és a hozzá tartozó szövegekből, interaktív gyakorlatokból és mondatrendező feladatokból áll. Az extra feladatok szórendező, mondatrendező, diktálás, kiejtési gyakorlatot, fordítást (angolról magyarra (vagy orosz,német, spanyol, francia), /vissza/fordítást magyarról angolra tartalmaznak, ahol fel tudjátok venni a hangotokat és ellenőrizni, összehasonlítani a kiejtéseteket az eredetivel.
6. Gyakoroljátok az 1. fejezet első részét, mely az első kép anyaga.
Próbáljátok elkerülni a hibákat és maximálisan törekedni a folyékony beszédre.
A program anyaga úgy épül fel, hogy nektek nem szükséges tanulni semmit. Anélkül fogtok emlékezni az anyagra, hogy észrevennétek.
A program megtanít beszélni és gondolkodni angolul.
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