2. hét, 7. nap
A hét utolsó napja az ismétlés és a további extra gyakorlatok napja.
1. Ismételjétek el az 1-es, School párbeszédhez tartozó történeteket (1., 2., és 3-as tréning). Háromszor gyakoroljátok mindegyiket. Ez kb. 10 percbe fog telni.
Adam: I like going to school. Do you?
Frank: No, I don’t like it. I hate it.
Adam: Why do you hate it?
Frank: Because I don’t like one of the teachers.
Adam: Which teacher?
Frank: The history teacher who has a beard and glasses.
Adam: Do you mean Mr. Falla?
Frank: No, I like Mr. Falla. He’s an excellent teacher.
Adam: Oh! You don’t like Mr. Gross.
Frank: No, I don’t. What do you think about him?
Adam: I think he’s okay, but he gives us too much homework.
Frank: That’s why I don’t like him. I hate doing homework.
Adam: Homework is difficult but it helps us learn.
Frank: I don’t want to learn!
Adam: What do you want to do?
Frank: I want to be free and ride my motorcycle!
Adam: You don’t have a motorcycle and you’re only twelve years old!
Frank: Don’t remind me!
Training 1
Frank: “Adam likes school and I don’t. I don’t like school because I don’t like one of the teachers, Mr Gross. I don’t like this teacher because he gives us too much homework. I don’t like homework. I hate it. I like freedom. I want to ride my motorcycle. I want to ride my motorcycle but I can’t. I haven’t got a motorcycle. I am only twelve. I am too young to ride a motorcycle.”
1. What are you talking about?
2. Who likes school and who doesn’t?
3. Why don’t you like school?
4. Why don’t you like the teacher?
5. Do you like homework?
6. What do you want?
7. Why can’t you ride a motorcycle?
8. How old are you?
Training 2
Adam: “I like school. I like to learn. I like our teachers. I like the history teacher who has a beard and glasses. He is an excellent teacher. I like our maths teacher, too. He gives a lot of homework. Homework is difficult but it helps us learn.”
1. Why do you like school?
2. Do you like your teachers?
3. Who is an excellent teacher?
4. Does he have a moustache and glasses?
5. Do you like your maths teacher?
6. Does he ever give you homework?
7. Is homework easy or difficult?
8. What is homework good for?
Training 3
Two boys are talking about going to school. One of them likes it and the other doesn’t. He doesn’t like going to school because one of the teachers, Mr. Gross, gives too much homework. The boy hates doing homework. He wants to be free and ride his motorcycle. His friend disagrees with him. He thinks that homework is difficult but it helps to learn. He also reminds him that he is only twelve years old and doesn’t have a motorcycle.
My room isn’t very big. There is 1 door in the room. There are 2 windows in the room. There are 3 bookcases in the room. There are 4 desks in the room. There are 5 chairs in the room. There are 6 computers in the room. There are 7 telephones in the room. There are 8 pictures in the room. There are 9 plants in the room. There are 10 people in the room now. There is only 1 important issue to discuss today. That is the New Year’s Eve party.
Geza lives in Hungary. He lives in Budapest. Lisa lives in England. She lives in London. Alex lives in Russia. He lives in Moscow. Geza lives in a detached house in Budapest and Lisa lives in a semi-detached house in London. Alex doesn’t live in a detached house and he doesn’t live in a semi-detached house. Alex lives in a mansion in Moscow.
Mike gets up at 6.30. He has breakfast at 7.30. Mike works in a big office. He starts work at nine. He finishes work at five. After work Mike goes to a pub. He goes there with his friends. They drink beer and talk there. In the evening Mike watches TV and drinks tea.
Lisa: “I don’t get up at 6.30. I get up at 9. I don’t have breakfast. And I don’t work in an office. I don’t go to work. I work at home. I am a freelance journalist. I don’t go to pubs. I don’t drink beer. I don’t watch TV in the evening. I often read or browse the Internet in the evening.”
3. Ismételjétek el az 50 téma kiválasztott mondatait az am-is-are, can, have-has, there is/there are, do/work strutktúrákkal. Az 1. hét 7. napján két mondatot gyakoroltatok mindegyik témakörből (am-is-are, can szerkezetek), ami 100 mondat. Most adjatok hozzá további 3 mondatot (have-has, there is/there are, do/work) mindegyik témakörhöz; az első mondatot a have-has, a másodikat there is/there are, a harmadikat a do/work szerkezetekkel. Így most már 5, azaz mindösszesen 250 mondatotok lesz minden témakörből. Olvassátok el a kiválasztott mondatokat 1-2-szer.
1. Accommodation (flat, house)
EN - HU Black Jack Chapter Two Part Three
5. Most, miután gyakoroltátok a nyelvtani szerkezeteket a tréningek segítségével, a Black Jack Comes Back interaktív program alkalmazásával, és használtátok az 50 témakör mondatait, könnyen fogtok emlékezni néhány mindennapi kifejezésre ezekkel a szerkezetekkel. Olvassátok el ezeket a mindennapi kifejezéseket 2-3-szor. Próbáljatok megjegyezni néhányat közülük!
2. Ismételjétek el a 11., 14., 15., 17., 18., 21., 22., 23. és 24-es tréningeket. Mondjátok el őket sorban egymás után 2-szer. (Ehhez kb. 20 percre lesz szükségetek.)
Training N11
Alex, Geza and Lisa are going on holiday. Alex has got a ticket to London. Geza has got a ticket to Moscow. Lisa has got a ticket to Budapest. Alex has got one suitcase. Geza has got two suitcases. Lisa has got three suitcases. Alex has got only clothes in his suitcase. Geza has got clothes in one suitcase and books in the other one. Lisa has got clothes in one suitcase, she has got books in the second suitcase and she has got shoes in the third one. Lisa has got twenty pairs of shoes in her suitcase. Lisa has got one hundred pairs of shoes in London.
Training N14
Tom hasn’t got a mother. Tom hasn’t got a father. Tom hasn’t got a flat. Tom hasn’t got a car. Tom hasn’t got a computer. Tom hasn’t got a television. Tom hasn’t got a radio. Tom isn’t a tramp. Tom is a boy. He has got an aunt. Her name is Aunt Polly. And his name is Tom Sawyer.
Training N15
Mr Black has got a big house, Tony has got a small house. Mr Black has got a big dog, Tony has got a small dog. Mr Black has got a big new car, Tony has got a small old car. Mr Black has got a big family, Tony has got a small family. Mr Black has got two children, four grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. Tony has got only one child. He is too young to have grandchildren.
Alex, Geza and Lisa are going on holiday. Alex has got a ticket to London. Geza has got a ticket to Moscow. Lisa has got a ticket to Budapest. Alex has got one suitcase. Geza has got two suitcases. Lisa has got three suitcases. Alex has got only clothes in his suitcase. Geza has got clothes in one suitcase and books in the other one. Lisa has got clothes in one suitcase, she has got books in the second suitcase and she has got shoes in the third one. Lisa has got twenty pairs of shoes in her suitcase. Lisa has got one hundred pairs of shoes in London.
Training N14
Tom hasn’t got a mother. Tom hasn’t got a father. Tom hasn’t got a flat. Tom hasn’t got a car. Tom hasn’t got a computer. Tom hasn’t got a television. Tom hasn’t got a radio. Tom isn’t a tramp. Tom is a boy. He has got an aunt. Her name is Aunt Polly. And his name is Tom Sawyer.
Training N15
Mr Black has got a big house, Tony has got a small house. Mr Black has got a big dog, Tony has got a small dog. Mr Black has got a big new car, Tony has got a small old car. Mr Black has got a big family, Tony has got a small family. Mr Black has got two children, four grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. Tony has got only one child. He is too young to have grandchildren.
There is a river in Budapest. There is a river in London. And there is a river in Moscow. There is an underground in Budapest. There is an underground in London. And there is an underground in Moscow. There is a zoo in Budapest. There is a zoo in London. And there is a zoo in Moscow. There are a lot of churches in Budapest. There are a lot of churches in London. And there are a lot of churches in Moscow. There are a lot of museums in Budapest. There are a lot of museums in London. And there are a lot of museums in Moscow. There are a lot of theatres in Budapest. There are a lot of theatres in London. And there are a lot of theatres in Moscow.
There is a village in America. It is called Budapest. There isn’t a big river in the village. There is only a small stream there. There are two parts of the village. The part on the right side of the stream is called Buda and the part on the left side of the stream is called Pest. There is only one bridge across the stream. It is called The Chain Bridge. There is a street in the village. It is called Vaci Street. There is a small hotel on the street. It is called The Budapest Hotel. There is a cinema on the street. It is called The Pannonia. There is a small restaurant in the street. It is called The Fishermen’s Bastion. You can eat Hungarian fish soup there. There is a pub in the street. It is called Kochma. You can drink palinka there.
Geza lives in Hungary. He lives in Budapest. Lisa lives in England. She lives in London. Alex lives in Russia. He lives in Moscow. Geza lives in a detached house in Budapest and Lisa lives in a semi-detached house in London. Alex doesn’t live in a detached house and he doesn’t live in a semi-detached house. Alex lives in a mansion in Moscow.
Mike gets up at 6.30. He has breakfast at 7.30. Mike works in a big office. He starts work at nine. He finishes work at five. After work Mike goes to a pub. He goes there with his friends. They drink beer and talk there. In the evening Mike watches TV and drinks tea.
Lisa: “I don’t get up at 6.30. I get up at 9. I don’t have breakfast. And I don’t work in an office. I don’t go to work. I work at home. I am a freelance journalist. I don’t go to pubs. I don’t drink beer. I don’t watch TV in the evening. I often read or browse the Internet in the evening.”
3. Ismételjétek el az 50 téma kiválasztott mondatait az am-is-are, can, have-has, there is/there are, do/work strutktúrákkal. Az 1. hét 7. napján két mondatot gyakoroltatok mindegyik témakörből (am-is-are, can szerkezetek), ami 100 mondat. Most adjatok hozzá további 3 mondatot (have-has, there is/there are, do/work) mindegyik témakörhöz; az első mondatot a have-has, a másodikat there is/there are, a harmadikat a do/work szerkezetekkel. Így most már 5, azaz mindösszesen 250 mondatotok lesz minden témakörből. Olvassátok el a kiválasztott mondatokat 1-2-szer.
4. Most nézzétek meg a témakörök listáját. Mondjátok el a címét, és két mondatot minden témában. Ajánlom hogy vegyétek fel a hangotokat és hasonlítsátok össze az eredeti hanganyaggal. Jegyezzétek fel a hibákat.
1. Accommodation (flat, house)
2. Banks
3. Birthdays and name days
4. Books
5. Breakfast
6. Brothers and sisters
7. Cars
8. Cinemas
9. Colds and flu
10. Colleagues/Classmates
11. Dinner
12. Family
13. Famous people
14. Favourite foods
15. Friends
16. Furniture
17. Gardening
18. Grandparents
19. Harmful habits
20. Hobbies
21. Holiday
22. Hotels
23. Household chores
24. Life in the city
25. Life in the country
26. Lottery
27. Lunch
28. Millionaire
29. Money
30. My city
31. My country
32. My school day/my working day
33. My ideal house
34. Myself
35. On a coach
36. On a plane
37. On a train
38. Parties
39. Personality
40. Pets
41. Public holidays
42. Public transport
43. Restaurants
44. Seas and oceans
45. School
46. Taxi
47. Teachers
48. Television
49. Theatres
50. Weekends
5. Ismételjétek el a Black Jack Comes Back program 1. fejezetének 3 – 5. részeit (3 – 5. kép) és a 2. fejezet 1. és 3. részét (1. és 3. kép).
EN - HU Black Jack Chapter One Part Three
EN - HU Black Jack Chapter One Part Three
EN - HU Black Jack Chapter Two Part Three
5. Most, miután gyakoroltátok a nyelvtani szerkezeteket a tréningek segítségével, a Black Jack Comes Back interaktív program alkalmazásával, és használtátok az 50 témakör mondatait, könnyen fogtok emlékezni néhány mindennapi kifejezésre ezekkel a szerkezetekkel. Olvassátok el ezeket a mindennapi kifejezéseket 2-3-szor. Próbáljatok megjegyezni néhányat közülük!
- Have a nice weekend! (Same to you!)
- Bless you! (Thank you)
- Excuse me! (Yes?)
- Cheers!
- Thank you very much indeed. (Don't mention it.)
- Fire!
- Help!
- Watch out!
- Mind your head!
- I really must leave now.
- Pleased to meet you!
- Come on, Tom. It's time to get up!
- I don't know, I'm sorry.
- Don't shout at me, please!
- I don't understand you.
- Do you speak English?
- Come in, please!
- Sit down, please!
- Call the ambulance, please!
- Call the police, please!
- I'm stuck in the lift!
- I don't want any trouble.
- Don't take it close to heart!
- Calm down, please!
- Meet my wife!
- I remember!
- Help yourself!
- Don't disturb me, please!
- I am busy at the moment. Phone me in five minutes, please.
- Turn left!(In a car)
- Turn right!
- Go straight!
- Stop over there!
- Excuse my fingers. (Passing an apple.)
- Hold on!!! (Sudden stop)
- Stop!!! (In a car)
- Beware of the dog!Mind the step!6. Gyakoroljátok az alábbi nyelvtörőt. Elsőként próbáljátok megérteni a nyelvtörőt és csak utána mondjátok el annyiszor, ahányszor csak lehetséges. A nyelvtörők nagyon hasznosak a beszéd és gondolkodás gyakorlásához.She sells sea shells on the sea shore. The shells that she sells are sea shells I'm sure.A nyelvtörők javítani fogják a kiejtéseteket is, s csak nevetni fogtok, ha megnéztek egy videót, mint ez.
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