2013. december 22., vasárnap

2. hét, 2. nap

1. Mai kínálatunkban olyan párbeszédeket kezdhettek el hallgatni, melyekben megtalálhatóak a have (got)/has (got) nyelvtani struktúrák. A párbeszédek természetes beszéden alapulnak és segítenek angolul gondolkozni és beszélni. Nem kell megjegyeznetek a párbeszédeket. Csak hallgassátok őket és próbáljatok meg minél több részletet megérteni belőle, annyit, amennyit csak lehetséges. Megtanulhattok beszélni és gondolkodni a történetek vagy a párbeszédeken alapuló tréningek gyakorlásával. A későbbiekben megtalálhatjátok majd a történetek leírását, hogy ellenőrizni tudjátok, mennyit tudtatok megérteni a hanganyagból. Találhattok még a párbeszédeken alapuló két történetet a résztvevők elmondásában. A Párbeszédek és Összefoglalásaik Kezdő szintű kiadvány Pavlenko Alexander munkája.Hallgassátok meg 3-szor a történetet és próbáljátok ötleteiteket a két történetben felhasználni.

2. Ismételjétek el a 11., 14. és 15. tréningeket. Mondjátok el őket egymás után 5-ször (ez kb. 15 percet vesz igénybe).

Training N11
Alex, Geza and Lisa are going on holiday. Alex has got a ticket to London. Geza has got a ticket to Moscow. Lisa has got a ticket to Budapest. Alex has got one suitcase. Geza has got two suitcases. Lisa has got three suitcases. Alex has got only clothes in his suitcase. Geza has got clothes in one suitcase and books in the other one. Lisa has got clothes in one suitcase, she has got books in the second suitcase and she has got shoes in the third one. Lisa has got twenty pairs of shoes in her suitcase. Lisa has got one hundred pairs of shoes in London.

Training N14
Tom hasn’t got a mother. Tom hasn’t got a father. Tom hasn’t got a flat. Tom hasn’t got a car. Tom hasn’t got a computer. Tom hasn’t got a television. Tom hasn’t got a radio. Tom isn’t a tramp. Tom is a boy. He has got an aunt. Her name is Aunt Polly. And his name is Tom Sawyer.

Training N15
Mr Black has got a big house, Tony has got a small house. Mr Black has got a big dog, Tony has got a small dog. Mr Black has got a big new car, Tony has got a small old car. Mr Black has got a big family, Tony has got a small family. Mr Black has got two children, four grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. Tony has got only one child. He is too young to have grandchildren.

3. Olvassátok el az 50 témakör példamondatait (250 mondat) a  have (got)/has (gotnyelvtani struktúrákkal és válasszatok ki egyet, a legkönnyebb mondatot mindegyik témából. Olvassátok el a kiválasztott mondatokat 2-szer, 3-szor.

1. Accommodation (flat, house)
1. I have got a flat.
2. My flat has got three rooms: a kitchen, a living room and a bedroom.
3. It has got a bathroom, too.
4. It has got central heating.
5. It has got a nice view.

2. Banks
1. I have got a credit card.
2. I have got an account at CIB Bank.
3. Banks have got a lot of clients.
4. Banks have got a lot of services.
5. I haven’t got much money in my account.

3. Birthdays and name days
1. I have got a birthday party.
2. I have got a birthday and a name day, too.
3. In Hungary everybody has got a name day.
4. I haven’t got a birthday today.
5. My girlfriend’s got a birthday tomorrow.

4. Books
1. I haven’t got many books.
2. I have only got about seventy books.
3. My parents have got a lot of good books.
4. They have got a lot of bookcases.
5. My sister hasn’t got any English books.

5. Breakfast
1. I have got a lot of food in the fridge.
2. I have got some milk, eggs, butter, cheese, ham and bacon.
3. I have also got some fruit.
4. My boyfriend has got a very good coffee machine.
5. Why haven’t you got a toaster?

6. Brothers and sisters
1. I have got two brothers.
2. I haven’t got any sisters.
3. I have got no problems with my brother.
4. We have got the same tastes.
5. We both have got dark hair.

7. Cars
1. I haven’t got a car.
2. My husband has got a very fast car.
3. A lot of families have got two or three cars.
4. Our car has got a very large boot.
5. We haven’t got any problems with it.

8. Cinemas
1. I have got two tickets to the cinema.
2. Budapest has got some great cinemas.
3. Multiplex cinemas have got a lot of halls.
4. Our town has only got one cinema.
5. John hasn’t got any money to go to the cinema.

9. Colds and flu
1. A lot of people have got flu or a cold in the winter.
2. They have got a headache and a sore throat.
3. Sometimes I have got a light cold in autumn or in winter.
4. I have got good medicine for the flu.
5. Fortunately, my child hasn’t got a cold now.

10. Colleagues / Classmates
1. Everybody has got colleagues or classmates.
2. I haven’t got many colleagues.
3. One of my classmates has got a punk hair-do.
4. All my classmates have got mobile phones.
5. My colleague has got a bad temper.

11. Dinner
1. I have got nice fish in the fridge and I can cook it for dinner.
2. Some people have got a lot of pre-cooked food in the fridge.
3. We haven’t got anything in the fridge.
4. This restaurant hasn’t got any fresh seafood.
5. We have got plenty of food for dinner.

12. Family
1. I have got one brother, three cousins, one nephew and one niece.
2. I haven’t got many relatives.
3. My family has got some nice traditions.
4. I’ve only got one grandmother.
5. My mother hasn’t got any sisters or brothers.

13. Famous people
1. Most famous people have got nice houses and cars.
2. Famous people have got a lot of fans.
3. A famous person hasn’t got many real friends.
4. Famous people have got some duties.
5. My sister has got a lot of photos of pop stars.

14. Favourite foods
1. Everybody has got some favourite foods.
2. I have got a lot of favourite foods.
3. I have always got some fish in the fridge.
4. This restaurant has got some nice dishes.
5. I haven’t got any favourite drinks.

15. Friends
1. I have got a lot of good friends.
2. My friend has got dark eyes and a nice smile.
3. We have got the same hobbies and interests.
4. My friend hasn’t got a job at the moment.
5. I haven’t got much time to see my friends.

16. Furniture
1. I haven’t got a lot of furniture.
2. I have got a really comfortable sofa.
3. My husband has got a lot of books in his bookcases.
4. I have got white curtains.
5. My aunt hasn’t got modern furniture, she’s got antique furniture.

17. Gardening
1. I have got a garden.
2. I have got some flowerpots on the balcony.
3. I have got really wonderful flowers in my garden.
4. My parents haven’t got a big garden.
5. My grandmother hasn’t got any strawberries this year.

18. Grandparents
1. My grandparents have got a nice / small / beautiful house.
2. They have got a wonderful garden around the house, too.
3. They have got a big dog.
4. My grandmother hasn’t got any grey hair.
5. My grandpa has got a long beard.

19. Harmful habits
1. My boyfriend hasn’t got any harmful habits.
2. Some people have got really harmful habits, for example, smoking.
3. I haven’t got any cigarettes.
4. My husband has got a lot of harmful habits.
5. He has got some health problems.

20. Hobbies
1. I haven’t got a hobby.
2. I have got an interesting hobby.
3. My friend has got fifty toy dogs.
4. I have got a lot of exotic stamps.
5. My sister has got several clay figures.

21. Holiday
1. Unfortunately, I haven’t got a summer holiday.
2. I have got some great plans for the holiday.
3. Hungary has got some very good resorts.
4. We haven’t got any money to go abroad on holiday.
5. My friend has got a two weeks’ holiday.

22. Hotels
1. This hotel has got fifty-six rooms.
2. Each room has got a bathroom, a TV, a fridge and air-conditioning.
3. The hotel hasn’t got a private beach.
4. Most hotels have got restaurants.
5. Spa hotels have got thermal baths.

23. Household chores
1. I have got a lot of household chores.
2. My boyfriend hasn’t got any household chores.
3. In the country people have got more household chores.
4. Girls and women have got a lot of household chores.
5. Boys and men haven’t got many household chores.

24. Life in the city
1. Life in the city has got its pros and cons.
2. Cities have got a lot of schools and hospitals.
3. Cities have got a lot of cinemas and theatres.
4. People in the city have got a lot of stress.
5. My city has got good public transport.

25. Life in the country
1. People in the country have got nice houses.
2. People in the country have got beautiful gardens around their houses.
3. They have got animals like pigs, goats, hens or geese.
4. People in the country haven’t got many neighbours.
5. People in the country have got cars.

26. Lottery
1. I haven’t got a lottery ticket.
2. My cousin has got a lot of lottery tickets.
3. Some lotteries have got special TV programmes.
4. Some people have got really enormous winnings.
5. Generally lotteries have got a lot of profit.

27. Lunch
1. I have got an hour for lunch.
2. My girlfriend hasn’t got a lunch-break.
3. We have got some soup in the fridge.
4. We haven’t got any meat.
5. This take-away shop has got delicious sandwiches.

28. Millionaire
1. Millionaires have got large houses.
2. They have got expensive cars and even planes.
3. A millionaire has got fashion clothes and jewelry.
4. Millionaires haven’t got any problems with money.
5. They have got other problems.

29. Money
1. I haven’t got much money.
2. I have got some money in my bank account.
3. Some people have got problems with money and some haven’t.
4. We haven’t got any debts.
5. How much money have you got on you?

30. My city
1. I have got a small flat in Budapest.
2. Budapest has got a lot of beautiful streets and buildings.
3. It has got a lot of shops and restaurants.
4. Budapest has got a lot of sights.
5. It has got some great theatres and concert halls.

31. My country
1. Hungary has got some unique wines.
2. It has got a unique national cuisine.
3. It has got some beautiful cities.
4. Hungary has got some national parks, too.
5. Hungary hasn’t got a coast.

32. My school day/my working day
1. I have got an eight-hour working day.
2. I have got a comfortable working place.
3. I have got five working days a week.
4. Schoolchildren have got breaks after every lesson.
5. Schoolchildren haven’t got a long lunch-break.

33. My ideal house
1. My ideal house has got seven rooms.
2. It has got two floors.
3. It has got a nice garden.
4. It has got a fireplace, too.
5. My ideal house has got a swimming pool and a sauna, too.

34. Myself
1. I have got dark eyes and long dark hair.
2. I have got an interesting job.
3. I have got a cat.
4. I haven’t got any children.
5. I have got some interesting hobbies.

35. On a coach
1. I have got a coach ticket.
2. A coach has got about forty seats.
3. Coaches have got air-conditioning.
4. Coaches have only got one or two doors.
5. Coaches haven’t got ticket collectors.

36. On a plane
1. I haven’t got a plane ticket to London.
2. A plane has got a business class and an economy class.
3. A plane has got air-conditioning.
4. Passengers have got suitcases or bags.
5. Planes have got flight attendants.

37. On a train
1. All the passengers have got suitcases.
2. They have got books or magazines.
3. They have got tickets, of course.
4. A train has got a lot of compartments.
5. A train has got a buffet car.

38. Parties
1. I have got a lot of friends and I can invite them to a party.
2. We haven’t got any party tonight.
3. We haven’t got any drinks for the party.
4. We have got some great records.
5. Children have got clowns at their parties.

39. Personality
1. Everybody has got their strengths and weaknesses.
2. Mary has got beautiful dark, eyes and long dark hair.
3. John has got a good sense of humour.
4. We all have got different hobbies and tastes.
5. My brother hasn’t got any bad habits.

40. Pets
1. I have got a pet.
2. It has got dark kind eyes.
3. A lot of people have got pets.
4. Some people have got unusual pets, like spiders.
5. Fortunately, my neighbours haven’t got any pets.

41. Public holidays
1. We haven’t got many public holidays.
2. We have got about ten of them.
3. We have got religious and national public holidays.
4. We have got some international public holidays, like the 1st of May.
5. This month hasn’t got any public holidays.

42. Public transport
1. The Budapest underground has got three lines.
2. Budapest has got two hundred bus lines.
3. It has also got night buses.
4. This passenger hasn’t got a valid ticket.
5. We haven’t got a monthly pass.

43. Restaurants
1. This restaurant has got a very good chef.
2. The restaurant has got a lot of Hungarian dishes on the menu.
3. It has got a very cosy atmosphere, too.
4. Restaurants have got wines from all over the world.
5. This restaurant hasn’t got any seafood on the menu.

44. Seas and oceans
1. A holiday by the sea has got a lot of advantages.
2. A lot of seas have got wonderful beaches.
3. The Adriatic Sea has got very clean water.
4. Seas and oceans have got salty water.
5. We haven’t got an apartment by the sea.

45. School
1. We have got a lot of classes on Tuesday.
2. We have got a lot of homework.
3. We have got English lessons every day.
4. We haven’t got maths today.
5. My son hasn’t got very good marks at school.

46. Taxi
1. All taxis have got special TAXI signs.
2. Some taxis have got company emblems, too.
3. All taxis have got taxi-meters.
4. I have got a discount for this taxi company.
5. He hasn’t got any money for a taxi.

47. Teachers
1. I have got a very nice teacher of chemistry.
2. I haven’t got any problems with my teachers.
3. Good teachers have got a nice voice and a smile.
4. My teacher hasn’t got glasses.
5. She has got fair hair and blue eyes.

48. Television
1. Everybody has got a TV set now.
2. A lot of people have got satellite television.
3. We haven’t got cable television.
4. We have only got public television.
5. TV programmes have got a lot of commercials.

49. Theatres
1. Theatres have got a lot of fans.
2. A theatre has got a lot of sections.
3. It has got a stage, stalls and a gallery.
4. The stage has got dark red curtains.
5. This theatre hasn’t got a buffet.

50. Weekends
1. I have got a big party this weekend.
2. We have got a lot of plans for the weekend.
3. I have got a lot of free time on Sunday.
4. He hasn’t got any special plans for the weekend.
5. We haven’t got classes at the weekend.

4. Most nézzétek meg a témák listáját, mondjátok el a címüket, és egy mondatot mindegyik témából. Kifejezetten ajánlom, hogy vegyétek fel a hangotokat. Hallgassátok vissza a hangotokat. Hasonlítsátok össze az eredeti hanganyaggal és javítsátok ki a hibákat. Ismételjétek el a tréningeket 2-3 alkalommal. Jegyezzétek fel, mennyi idő kellett ahhoz, hogy mennyi időre volt szükségetek ahhoz, hogy az 50 témát egymás után elmondjátok.

 1. Accommodation (flat, house)
2. Banks
3. Birthdays and name days
4. Books
5. Breakfast
6. Brothers and sisters
7. Cars
8. Cinemas
9. Colds and flu
10. Colleagues/Classmates
11. Dinner
12. Family
13. Famous people
14. Favourite foods
15. Friends
16. Furniture
17. Gardening
18. Grandparents
19. Harmful habits
20. Hobbies
21. Holiday
22. Hotels
23. Household chores
24. Life in the city
25. Life in the country
26. Lottery
27. Lunch
28. Millionaire
29. Money
30. My city
31. My country
32. My school day/my working day
33. My ideal house
34. Myself
35. On a coach
36. On a plane
37. On a train
38. Parties
39. Personality
40. Pets
41. Public holidays
42. Public transport
43. Restaurants
44. Seas and oceans
45. School
46. Taxi
47. Teachers
48. Television
49. Theatres
50. Weekends

5. Gyakoroljátok a Black Jack Comes Back első fejezetének 5. részét (5. kép).
Az ingyenes verzió letöltéséhez választhattok az alábbi platformok közül: Windows (PC) MAC (Macintosh), iOS (iPhones, iPads), Android (okostelefon, tabletek).

Kövessétek az alábbi linkeket:

Próbáljátok elkerülni a hibákat és maximálisan törekedni a folyékony beszédre.
A program anyaga úgy épül fel, hogy nektek nem szükséges tanulni semmit. Anélkül fogtok emlékezni az anyagra, hogy észrevennétek.
A program megtanít beszélni és gondolkodni angolul.

6. Hallgassátok meg ismét a párbeszédeket, majd olvassátok el őket. Ezután hallgassátok meg a történeteket, majd olvassátok is el őket. Próbáljatok visszaemlékezni a történetekre, mondjátok el őket sokszor, vegyétek fel a hangotokat és hasonlítsátok össze a saját történeteteket az eredetivel.

Nick: Do you have a big family or a small family?
Bob: I have a very large family. I have nine brothers and sisters.
Nick: You are lucky. I don’t have any brothers or sisters.
Bob: I think you are lucky. I don’t like living in a big family.
Nick: Why not?
Bob: There are many reasons. My two elder brothers are very nice.
Nick: I see. What about your younger brothers?
Bob: My younger brothers are very nice. I like to play with them.
Nick: What about your sisters?
Bob: I have five sisters. All five are older than me.
Nick: Do you like them?
Bob: My eldest sister is smart and very friendly but the others are mean and stupid.
Nick: Be happy you have some brothers and sisters. I’m often lonely because I don’t have any.
Bob: I see what you’re saying. I’m often angry but never lonely.

Training 1
Bob: “I have a very large family. I have five sisters and four brothers. My brothers are very nice and I like them. I have two elder brothers and two younger brothers. All my sisters are older than me. My eldest sister is very smart and very friendly but the others are mean and stupid. I don’t think that I am lucky. I don’t like living in a big family.”

Training 2
Nick: “I don’t have a large family. I have a small family. I am not happy about it. I don’t think that I am lucky. I want to have a brother or a sister. I don’t have anybody to play with and I am often lonely. I know that Bob has nine brothers and sisters. I think that he is lucky because he is never lonely.”

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